[quote=andry]viewer di shoutout ??
yng ada photo nya ato tulisan doang ??
klo tulisan doang ini code nya yng w pake sekarang :
[quote]//shout out
function shoutoutcus(){
var meneketehe = "<div align='center' class='style1'>[b]Oh I am so glad you are here<br><b>"+pageViewerFName+"</b> ^^<br>I was just here all by myself you know.<br>I think of how happy I would be<br>If I wasn't alone and you were here with me ^^[/b]</div>";
document.getElementById('cpShoutoutBox').innerHTML = "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>"+meneketehe+"</td></tr></table>";
itu kata2 nya yng di tebelin di ganti aja ama kata2 u sendiri .........

trus visitor ?? visitor yng mana .... ?
yang mini viewer ? or WVM atau wvm cbox ?
masa broth ?? perasaan gk ada yng salah deh script nya ....
or mungkin dari linker nya kali emang gk jalan ....
u buka nya pake apa ?? IE or FF ?
klo di FF di clear aja dulu private data nya ... trus view lagi profile nya
klo di IE cookies nya di clear dulu ....
sorry lupa euy cara ngeclear cookies di IE hehe .........
[quote=chayank]"You have reached your maximum allowable comments for this profile."[/quote]
itu pake script pop-up comments yah ??
ya pantes lah ....... soalnya kadang2 suka error tuh script ....
makanya w gk pake lagi tuh script pop-up comments[/quote]
yang ada poto na bro
kalo visitor na yg WVM
Last edited by sekya (2008-01-19 10:39:21)