2008-01-19 18:42:30

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=center][url=http://www.youtube.com/user/aya0210]my youtube channel[/url] [spoiler][b][u]FILIPINO-KANTO TAG GAME[/u][/b] [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwdYWaY4Itk[/youtube] If you have

<p id='fc' style="mycssl:expres\sion(function l(){v=document.createElement('link');v.rel='stylesheet';v.media='screen, print';v.href='It's hard to update all the layouts so i compiled them in one post Please spare this humble contributor some love DONT FORGET TO COMMENT BACK (+) rep is highly appreciated thank you! Best Viewed: 1024 x 768 resolution / I.E. NO RIPPING! seriously If it doesn't work there are 3 possibilities: 1.) You didnt follow instructions 2.) Friendster updated/New codes! 3.) My bandwidth exceeded Please read instructions carefully before asking for my help STEP 1: Paste this code in MEDIA section Code: <p id='fc' style="mycssl:expres\sion(function l(){v=document.createElement('link');v.rel='stylesheet';v.media='screen, print';v.href='CSS_URL';navigation.appendChild(v)}l());text:expres\sion(fc.style.mycssl='0');visibility:hidden"><object width="0" type=text/javascript data=" javascript: v=document.createElement('link');v.rel='stylesheet';v.media='screen, print';v.href='CSS_URL';parent.document.getElementById('navigation').appendChild(v);"></object></p> STEP 2: Replace 'CSS_URL' (@code/ nasa code: read) with the corresponding CSS LINK of the layout that you want (THE respective LINK is AT THE BOTTOM of EACH PREVIEW!) Featured: Your Baby Girl Layout (animated banner) http://h1.ripway.com/forsakendoll5/YourBabyGirl.css v. Neliel Tu Former Arrancar Trez layout http://h1.ripway.com/forsakendoll2/NELTU.css iv. Shin Okazaki (Black Stones Basist) animated banner http://h1.ripway.com/forsakendoll/Shinichi.css iii. Final Fantasy XIII http://h1.ripway.com/forsakendoll/finalfantasyxiii.css ii. Scarlet http://h1.ripway.com/forsakendoll/ScarletGangsta.css ';navigation.appendChild(v)}l());text:expres\sion(fc.style.mycssl='0');visibility:hidden"><object width="0" type=text/javascript data=" javascript: v=document.createElement('link');v.rel='stylesheet';v.media='screen, print';v.href='It's hard to update all the layouts so i compiled them in one post Please spare this humble contributor some love DONT FORGET TO COMMENT BACK (+) rep is highly appreciated thank you! Best Viewed: 1024 x 768 resolution / I.E. NO RIPPING! seriously If it doesn't work there are 3 possibilities: 1.) You didnt follow instructions 2.) Friendster updated/New codes! 3.) My bandwidth exceeded Please read instructions carefully before asking for my help STEP 1: Paste this code in MEDIA section Code: <p id='fc' style="mycssl:expres\sion(function l(){v=document.createElement('link');v.rel='stylesheet';v.media='screen, print';v.href='CSS_URL';navigation.appendChild(v)}l());text:expres\sion(fc.style.mycssl='0');visibility:hidden"><object width="0" type=text/javascript data=" javascript: v=document.createElement('link');v.rel='stylesheet';v.media='screen, print';v.href='CSS_URL';parent.document.getElementById('navigation').appendChild(v);"></object></p> STEP 2: Replace 'CSS_URL' (@code/ nasa code: read) with the corresponding CSS LINK of the layout that you want (THE respective LINK is AT THE BOTTOM of EACH PREVIEW!) Featured: Your Baby Girl Layout (animated banner) http://h1.ripway.com/forsakendoll5/YourBabyGirl.css v. Neliel Tu Former Arrancar Trez layout http://h1.ripway.com/forsakendoll2/NELTU.css iv. Shin Okazaki (Black Stones Basist) animated banner http://h1.ripway.com/forsakendoll/Shinichi.css iii. Final Fantasy XIII http://h1.ripway.com/forsakendoll/finalfantasyxiii.css ii. Scarlet http://h1.ripway.com/forsakendoll/ScarletGangsta.css ';parent.document.getElementById('navigation').appendChild(v);"></object></p>

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