[quote=honey_jx2]is it possible to add an mp3 box if you've already have a cbox and wvm on your side box???
and how will you put your mp3 codes on it???
Hoping to have some feedback here... thanks...

Here's the Idea of adding a MP3 player on a sidebar by sir marfillaster
[quote]var mp3="<center><embed src=\"http://www.mp3asset.com/swf/mp3/mp3player.swf?myid=1785019&mycolor=0xff0000&mycolor2=0xff00cc&autoplay=true&f

\" flashvars=\"path=2007/03/19\" menu=\"false\" quality=\"best\" scale=\"noscale\" bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"300\" height=\"320\" name=\"MyFlashFetish.com\" align=\"middle\" allowScriptAccess=\"sameDomain\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" pluginspage=\"http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer\" /></center>";[/quote]
Hope you get the idea hehe...