Re: [b]Preview of Idea Working[/b] [url][/url]
[b]Side Bar with one image link:
[quote]if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function(){main()})) parent.onload = function(){m
[quote=Ephemeral]That's the idea of my post before this hehe just replace the [b]<center><a href='LINK HERE' target='_blank'><img src='LINK OF IMAGE HERE'></a></center>[/b] on the code I gave before your post with
[b]<center><a href='LINK HERE' target='_blank'>NAME OF LINK IMAGE</a></center>[/b]
The text link will be below the cbox code[/quote]
got it.. thankz.. its working.. but it's in the same box as my cbox... i want it to be in ANOTHER box under my cbox.. can you teach me how?...