[b]Game:[/b] Makai Kingdom Chronicles of the Sacred Tome
[b]Console:[/b] Play Station 2
[b]Info:[/b] The game is about Zeta A Bad A** Freakin' Overlord who want's to conquer the universe with his Mana but has been turned into a book by a twist on fate. After turning into a book he called his other minion overlords to help him and conquer his kingdom back
long story... after wards lolx
[b]Save Time and Info[/b] After 107+ hours of game play I finally defeated the level 3000 War Ship Yoshitsuna completed all the characters and max all the items and stuff to be finished.
MY Rate: 10/10
[b]Game:[/b] Kingdom Hearts II
[b]Console:[/b] Play Station 2
[b]Info:[/b] To many to discuss
but anyways... The game is about defeat all the Heartless and Nobodies
[b]Save Time and Info[/b] 67 Hours+ of game play completed all items quest and unlocked secret ending
My Rate 10/10
Note: I am a perfectionist in PS Games
a bad habit of mine.
Last edited by Ephemeral (2007-05-04 08:03:18)