first, this is just a very simple trick.. copy,paste edit teknik

i call this trick.. led scroller visitor info

im sharing this coz you might want/like it.. its up to you how/where you gonna put this on your page..


[url=]my test test[/url]


-go to myflashfetish (register)
-then proceed to widgets section, choose led scroller
-costumize the colors..
-type message, type only 'Hello'..
[b]it should look like this[/b]
[quote]<embed src='' menu='false' flashvars='mycolor=312C20&mycolor2=FFBF00&txt= [b]HELLO[/b] ' quality='best' scale='noscale' bgcolor='#000000' width='320' height='35' name='' align='middle' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='' />[/quote]
^[u]change the[/u][b] "[/b] with ->[b] '[/b] [u]as shown above[/u]
when ur done.. just simply add this code..
[quote]hello "+pageViewerFName+" welcome to my page! your id is "+pageViewerID+" the time and date there is "+Date()+" your browser is "+navigator.appName+" "+navigator.appVersion+" puhlease drop some comments before you leave[/quote]
^[u]dont change those [/u][b]"[/b]
on this part
[quote]<embed src='' menu='false' flashvars='mycolor=312C20&mycolor2=FFBF00&txt= [b]hello "+pageViewerFName+" welcome to my page! your id is "+pageViewerID+" the time and date there is "+Date()+" your browser is "+navigator.appName+" "+navigator.appVersion+" puhlease drop some comments before you leave[/b] ' quality='best' scale='noscale' bgcolor='#000000' width='320' height='35' name='' align='middle' allowScriptAccess='sameDomain' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='' />[/quote]
^thats it

use (js)addbox or that getdocument by id thing for it..

sorry bout my english, to mods if u think this belongs to add ons section kindly move it there or if u think this is not necessary? or been posted before? kindlly delete...tnx
Last edited by niknok_1999 (2008-02-21 01:53:11)