Pages: 1234567..7

  2007-05-06 12:03:24

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [img][/img] Naruto Shippuuden is the continuation of the original animated TV series Naruto.The story revolves around an older and sligh

^ I watched ep12 yesterday, and i noticed something that's related to the theory about Naruto being the Akatsuki Leader. There was a scene when the Plant Man (i forgot his name) reported to the Leader: [quote]PlantMan: "Enemies are coming. One of them is Maito Gai." Leader: "Who is he?"[/quote] Now this was interesting. If the Leader was indeed Naruto, he couldnt possibly forget about Gai-sensei could he? =) But then again, he could just be bluffing or something. Question: Do the members of Akatsuki know about the Leader's true identity? :rolleyes:

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