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  2008-02-23 05:54:12

» FTalkAddict
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sesuai dengan pesanan bang yans :D ini bang kode nya saiiah share disini aja .... biar rame hehe :D [b]Description[/b]: [i]Add a TV-like credits screen page to your site with this script! It displays

sesuai dengan pesanan bang yans :D ini bang kode nya saiiah share disini aja .... biar rame hehe :D [b]Description[/b]: [i]Add a TV-like credits screen page to your site with this script! It displays a "credit" window that slowly scrolls down continuously, revealing the contributors' names bit by bit...just like the credit screen on TV![/i] ( [i]sok inggris*[/i]) :P screenshot : ( [i]ntar aja dah .... *[/i]) :P prepiu :arrow: [url=]☼ My Profile ☼[/url] ([i] klik di bagian box [b]Credits[/b] yang ada di kiri bawah profile saiiah lalu klik tulisan [b]See Credits For My Profile![/b]*[/i]) bagaimana cara membuat nya ?? [b]#pertama[/b] buka notepad lalu copas code di bawah ini kedalam notepad : [quote]<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="description" content="Click here to get free source code, friendstertalk forum"> <meta name="keywords" content="free JavaScript, friendster forum, JavaScript and css tutorial"> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 3.0"> <title>[b]My Profile Credit Screen[/b]</title> </head> <body bgcolor="[b]#FFFFFF[/b]"> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> var currentpos=0,alt=1,curpos1=0,curpos2=-1 function initialize(){ startit() } function scrollwindow(){ if (document.all) temp=document.body.scrollTop else temp=window.pageYOffset if (alt==0) alt=1 else alt=0 if (alt==0) curpos1=temp else curpos2=temp if (curpos1!=curpos2){ if (document.all) currentpos=document.body.scrollTop+1 else currentpos=window.pageYOffset+1 window.scroll(0,currentpos) } else{ currentpos=0 window.scroll(0,currentpos) } } function startit(){ setInterval("scrollwindow()",10) } window.onload=initialize </script> <p align="center"><img src="[b]URL GAMBAR NYA SEMACAM .JPG .GIF or .PNG[/b]" width="332" height="97" alt="flogo.png (5979 bytes)"><br> <small><font face=[b]"Verdana"[/b]>[b]Credits Page[/b]</font></small></p><br> <p align="left"><strong><font face=[b]"Verdana"[/b]>[b]~ Main credits ~[/b]</font></strong></p><br> <p align="left"><font face=[b]"Verdana"[/b]><strong>[b]Credit Pertama[/b]: </strong>[b]NAMANYA BLABLABLA[/b] ( [i]e.g[/i]: [b]FRIENDSTERTALK FORUM![/b] )</font></p><br> <p align="left"><font face=[b]"Verdana"[/b]><strong>[b]Credit Kedua[/b]: </strong>[b]BLABLABLA[/b]</font></p><br> <p align="left"><font face=[b]"Verdana"[/b]><strong>[b]Credit Ketiga[/b] : </strong>[b]BLABLABLA[/b]</font></p><br> <p align="left"><font face=[b]"Verdana"[/b]><strong>[b]credit keempat[/b]: </strong>[b]BLABLABLA[/b]</font></p><br> <p align="left"><font face=[b]"Verdana"[/b]><strong>[b]kelima[/b] : </strong>[b]BLABLABLABLA[/b]</font></p><br> <p align="left"><font face=[b]"Verdana"[/b]><strong>[b]KEENAM[/b] : </strong>[b]BLABLABLA[/b]</font></p><br> <p align="left"><font face=[b]"Verdana"[/b]><strong>[b]ketujuh[/b]: </strong>[b]BLABLABLA[/b]</font></p><br> <p align="left"><font face=[b]"Verdana"[/b]><strong>[b]KEDELAPAN[/b]: </strong>[b]BLABLABLA[b]</font></p><br> <p align="left"><font face=[b]"Verdana"[/b]><strong>[b]Kesembilan[/b]: </strong>[b]BLABLABLA[/b]</font></p><br> <p align="left"><font face=[b]"Verdana"[/b]><strong>[b]kesepuluh[/b]: </strong>[b]BLABLABLA[/b]</font></p><br> <p align="left"><font face=[b]"Verdana"[/b]><strong>[b]kesebelas[/b]: </strong>[b]BLABLABLA[/b]</font></p><br> <p><font face=[b]"Verdana"[/b]><strong>[b]keduabelas[/b]: </strong>[b]BLABLABLA[/b]</font></p><br> <p><strong><font face=[b]"Verdana"[/b]>[b]~ Misc credits ~[/b]</font></strong></p><br> <p><font face=[b]"Times New Roman"[/b]>[b]BLABLABLA[/b]</br> [b]BLABLABLA[/b]<br><br> [b]BLABLABLA[/b]<br><br> [b]BLABLABLA[/b]<br><br> [b]BLABLABLA[/b]<br><br> [b]BLABLABLA[/b]<br><br> [b]BLABLABLA[/b]<br><br> [b]BLABLABLA[/b]<br><br> [b]BLABLABLA[/b]<br><br> [b]BLABLABLA[/b]<br><br> [b]BLABLABLA[/b]</font></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </body> </html> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN">[/quote] liat yng ditebelin text nya ......... itu untuk kalian edit sendiri dari title, font, bg color, tulisan dll...... klo udah selesai ... terus [b]"Save AS"[/b] lalu beri nama [b]credits.html[/b] or whatever :P terus upload file nya di hostingan kalian masing2 contoh nya seperti ini yng udah jadi :arrow: ( [i]kalo kalian mau ... kalian juga bisa koq pake yang punya saiiah[/i] ) :P tinggal di view source nya lalu edit lagi sesuai kemauan :D [b]#kedua[/b] copas code ini kedalam onload handler ato bagian [b]B[/b] sesuai [url=]Referensi bang kanal[/url] : [quote]var credits="<center></br><a href=\"javascript:opencredit()\"><font face=\"[b]times new roman[/b]\" color=\"[b]#fffffe[/b]\" size=\"[b]4[/b]\"><blink>[b]See credits for My Profile![/b]</blink></font></a></br></center>"; addBox("RIGHT","[b]Credits[/b]",credits,"credits", null);[/quote] edit yng di tebelin nya.. tinggal di sesuaikan dengan kemauan ...... :D #ketiga copas code ini lalu simpen paling bawah di JS kalian ... ato di bagian [b]C[/b] sesuai referensi : [quote]function opencredit(){ //set this to the file of the credit var creditfile="[b]URL FILE YANG TADI KALIAN UPLOAD[/b]" if (document.all),"","width=445,height=250") else,"","width=445,height=250,scrollbars") }[/quote] replace yang di tebelin ... dengan url file yang tadi kalian uplod ( [i]Credits.html[/i] ) dan selesai :D Credits :arrow: [b][url=]Javascript Kit[/url][/b] and [b]Me[/b] :penguin:

Last edited by KaNaLiTnUk (2008-03-10 13:23:37)

Pages: 123

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