2008-02-27 12:26:07

D' Angelo
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

[b]FTI Siggy Versi 2[/b] [u][b]FTI Siggy Display:[/b][/u] [i](Display FTalk Member Database)[/i] 1. Username 2. Caption 3. Location 4. Registered 5. Total Post 6. Last post 7. IP Address 8. Operating

[b]FTI Siggy Versi 2[/b] [u][b]FTI Siggy Display:[/b][/u] [i](Display FTalk Member Database)[/i] 1. Username 2. Caption 3. Location 4. Registered 5. Total Post 6. Last post 7. IP Address 8. Operating System 9. Browser Type [u][color=#cc0000][b]Update for V2:[/b][/color][/u] [quote][b]1. Custom Background Image.[/b] Kalian bebas menggunakan [b]Background Image[/b] dari [b]URL/Link Manapun[/b] dengan syarat Image berukuran: [color=#0000cc][b]a. Lebar: 400 sampai 500 px b. Tinggi: 140 px[/b][/color] Kalau kalian tidak memiliki URL/Link milik sendiri, maka kalian dapat memilih Template Background dari :arrow: [b][url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=22291&p=1][img]http://joekingky.bluecybers.net/phpscript/ftisig2/siggytemplateBtn.jpg[/img][/url][/b] •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• You are free to use any URL/Link for [b]Background Image[/b] with size: [color=#0000cc][b]a. Width: 400 up to 500 px b. Height: 140 px[/b][/color] If you dont have your own Image, then you can choose from this thread :arrow: [b][url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=22291&p=1][img]http://joekingky.bluecybers.net/phpscript/ftisig2/siggytemplateBtn.jpg[/img][/url][/b] •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• [b]2. Custom Font Color.[/b] Kalian bebas menentukan [b]3 Warna Font[/b] yg digunakan siggy ini agar sesuai dengan warna BG kalian. You can customize your own [b]3 Font Color[/b] used in this siggy to match your BG. [u]Font Color List:[/u] a. Name Font: Warna Display Font Nama b. Status Font: Warna Display Font Status FTalk c. System Font: Warna Display Font IP, System OS & Browser (paling bawah siggy)[/quote] [img]http://joekingky.bluecybers.net/images/register.jpg[/img] [u][color=#00cc00][b]Request FTI SIggy V2:[/b][/color][/u] [quote][quote][color=#cc0000][u][b]11 Mar 2008[/b][/u][/color] [b]Total Post dibawah 50 tidak akan di Registrasi[/b] [b]Total Post Below 50 wont be Registered[/b][/quote] [/quote] [quote][color=#cc0000][b][u]Buat yg request, tlg post di thread seperti contoh biru di bawah ini:[/u][/b][/color] (jgn ke PM gw dong :P) [color=#0000cc][b]nama[/b][/color] : [color=#0000cc][b]userID FTalk[/b][/color] [color=#ff9900][b]D' Angelo[/b][/color] : [color=#ff9900][b]18988[/b][/color][/quote] [quote][color=#cc0000][b][u]For request, please post request on this thread like example below:[/u][/b][/color] (I dont accept PM regarding this Signature) [color=#0000cc][b]Your Name[/b][/color] : [color=#0000cc][b]userID FTalk[/b][/color] [color=#ff9900][b]D' Angelo[/b][/color] : [color=#ff9900][b]18988[/b][/color][/quote] [color=#5500cc][b]Setelah daftar di aproove gw ato Kherminator, barulah kalian dapat menggunakan FTI Siggy V2.[/b][/color] [color=#5500cc][b]After register approved by Me or Kherminator, then u can use FTI Siggy V2.[/b][/color] [align=center]:idea: [url=http://joekingky.bluecybers.net/phpscript/ftisig2/registeredID.php][b]Registered ID List[/b][/url] :idea: (Updated Every ID Entry) [color=#cc0000][b]Not Registered Preview:[/b][/color] [img]http://joekingky.bluecybers.net/phpscript/ftisig2/FTIsiggyV2.php?id=0&title=FF9900&status=AA66EE&system=FFFFFF&bg=http://joekingky.bluecybers.net/phpscript/ftisig2/NoBG.jpg[/img][/align] [img]http://joekingky.bluecybers.net/images/setting.jpg[/img] [u][b]Setting Warna dan BG:[/b][/u] [color=#cc0000][b]Gunakan Siggy Generator dibawah untuk Siggy[/b] [b]Use this Siggy Generator below for your Dynamic Siggy[/b][/color] [flash=461x521]http://joekingky.bluecybers.net/flash/sigGen.swf[/flash] [b]Preview 1 (Align Left/Standart):[/b] [img]http://joekingky.bluecybers.net/phpscript/ftisig2/FTIsiggyV2.php?id=18988&title=DDDD00&status=B7E1F9&system=FF9900&bg=http://joekingky.bluecybers.net/phpscript/ftisig2/bgSample1.jpg[/img] [b]Preview 2 (Align Right):[/b] [align=right][img]http://joekingky.bluecybers.net/phpscript/ftisig2/FTIsiggyV2.php?id=18100&title=FF9900&status=AA66EE&system=FFFFFF&bg=http://joekingky.bluecybers.net/phpscript/ftisig2/bgSample2.jpg[/img][/align] [b]Preview 3 (Align Not Left Nor Right[/b] :P [b]):[/b] [align=center][img]http://joekingky.bluecybers.net/phpscript/ftisig2/FTIsiggyV2.php?id=13521&title=ff9900&status=44cc44&system=cc0000&bg=http://joekingky.bluecybers.net/phpscript/ftisig2/bgSample3.jpg[/img] (Khermin The Red Toad)[/align] [color=#ff9900][b]Siggy on FS About Me/More About:[/b][/color] (Credits: sahabat.peterpan, yanstupid & nopathz) [b]External CSS:[/b] [quote]/*FTI Siggy On FS*/ #ftisig{ background-image:url('[b]Siggy URL[/b]); background-repeat: no-repeat; width:[b]400px[/b]; //<< siggy width height:[b]140px[/b]; //<<siggy height }[/quote] [b]About Me/More About:[/b] (Plain Image) [quote]<div id="ftisig">[b]<br><br><br><br><br>[/b]</div>[/quote] [b]About Me/More About:[/b] (Clickable URL to FTalk) [quote]<a href=[b]URL REFFERAL[/b]><div id="ftisig">[b]<br><br><br><br><br>[/b]</div></a>[/quote] Put [b]<br>[/b] at code above depends on your Siggy Height (1 <br> = Pixel Font Size) So if the [b]Siggy Height is 140px[/b], and your [b]About Me Font Size is 12px[/b] then [b]140/12 = 11,6[/b] (12 <br>) [b]Add Box[/b] [quote]/* FT_ID - BOX by "efka" */ var ftibox ="<a href=\"http://theftalk.com/?r=[b]FTalk USER ID[/b]\" title=\"FriendsterTalk - Friendster Forum - FT_USER_NAME\"><img alt=\"FriendsterTalk - Friendster Forum - FT_USER_NAME\" src=\"[b]Siggy URL[/b]\" /></a></br></br>"; addBox("LEFT",pageOwnerFName+"'s FTI ID",ftibox,"div_335","1");[/quote] Enjoy :D [color=#cc0000][b]Setelah Update, Avatar untuk Siggy di Disabled[/b][/color]

Last edited by D' Angelo (2008-04-16 13:43:51)

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