2008-03-03 01:01:43

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [b]FTI Siggy Versi 2[/b] [u][b]FTI Siggy Display:[/b][/u] [i](Display FTalk Member Database)[/i] 1. Username 2. Caption 3. Location 4. Registered 5. Total Post 6. Last post 7. IP Address 8. Operating

[quote=D' Angelo][b]Updated Registration: [url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?id=22481&p=1]Page 1[/url][/b] 159:77047 chiemo:69748 yogaz79:36727 keiythlyn:62127 loxiens:17385 --khathateslove--:43082 amandacaresse:44035 .GET.LOST.:71198 __LaNgaLoNe__:68261 metropolix::60054 [quote=regiehiozn]angelo just a question.. how can i make the text a bit smaller?? like the original one? (it was smaller)[/quote] not for now, next update u can do your owh text size :D [quote=Yans_anthenk]gmaNa cara bikin signature niyh bro???? dah lama request tapi ga dapet2:smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke:[/quote] hari itu elo register, hari itu juga punya loe dah gw masukin boy.. :retard: bisa dicheck halaman 1 untuk cara make + daftar registrasi, thx[/quote] bang joe... punya ku mna???:crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:

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