[quote=nica1214]how can I download a movie from stage6.com?[/quote]
- First you need to download and install [url=http://divx.com]DivX for Windows v6.6[/url]. It contains the DivX Web Player, which is the one you need to play DivX movies at your internet browser (I suggest you use FireFox). It also contains the offline DivX Player and DivX Codecs, so you can play your downloaded DivX files on your computer. You wont necessarily need the DivX Converter, so you may not install it.
- Go to Stage6 and search for a movie you want to download. You will see something like this:
See that arrow-like icon pointing downwards? Click on that, and then walla, you can now start downloading your DivX videos straight from Stage6. lol.
Last edited by FoRsAkEnKiD (2007-05-14 08:55:48)