Pages: 123

  2007-05-15 07:15:51

» FTalkElite
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[hr][align=center][table][tr][td][b][color=blue]READ[/color][/b][/td][td]Updated on[/td][/tr][tr][td][b][color=blue]RULES[/color][/td][td]1 May 2008[/b][/td][/tr][/table][/align][hr] [align=right][i]

[hr][align=center][table][tr][td][b][color=blue]READ[/color][/b][/td][td]Updated on[/td][/tr][tr][td][b][color=blue]RULES[/color][/td][td]1 May 2008[/b][/td][/tr][/table][/align][hr] [align=right][i]Revised rules from [url=]here[/url][/i][/align] 1) Avoid posting other's works without their permission (It's stealing!) 2) Make sure that the codes really works. If it doesn't, it will automatically be deleted if not fixed within a week. 3) If ever you copy a certain code, Please include the link or credits as much as posible. Example: Code for Removing Google Ads Paste In About me: [i](Describe YourSelf)[/i] <">More similar codes at: [url][/url] 4) Specify your topic title. Make sure the title suits the topic. Avoid using titles such as: [i]HEY LOOK AT THIS! TRY THIS COOL CODE! PLEASE OPEN HELLO ADD ME ~=~+HIDE ADS+~=~[/i] Instead Post Titles Properly Like: [i]No-right click code, Loading page trick Merlin For Profile [C.S.S.][/i] [quote][b]5) Avoid one liner comments such as "No Comment", "Good", "Nice", etc... [i](Duh!, We know the codes are cool, no need to say it again...)[/i] Post Proper replies with suitable comments.[/b][/quote] 6) Replies must be relevant to the code specified. If not the post will be deleted if not edited within [b]24 Hours [/b]after posting 7) Do not post codes that are already been given. If you have an alternative code for that, reply in the same thread with your other code then the moderator or the thread starter will be the one to include the alternate code in the first post. 8) In posting a code use a Code Box. <">9) Avoid using quote tags if not needed [quote]Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah[/quote] Use quote tags in quotes... not codes [quote]Code Code Code Code[/quote] Remember there's a Code Tag for that, Anyway you can use a quote tag for codes if you need to indicate some particular area's of the code use [url=]BB Coding[/url] for that. 10) Avoid [url=]Sticky Caps[/url] and [url=]Spamming[/url] 11) Type in English Alphabet in this thread because this area of the forum is in the International Area. 12) All Rule Breakers that doesn't abide with these simple rules will be given a [b]Cursed[/b] Status 13) Avoid Post Fighting or [b]ELSE[/b]^ 14) Do not post anything unrelated to this [b]Thread Category[/b], Thus if that happens topic will be moved to proper [b]Thread Category[/b] with or W/O warning. 15) If you haven't seen the [b]Main Forum Guidelines[/b] Click [url=]Here[/url] I take your problem seriously... My request is to this matter seriously too... [b]Have a nice day.[/b].. :| [hr] Exceptions in double posting. [quote=admin]Double posting literally means posting the same information twice. This also refers to when a member posting twice in a row without another user's post separating the two. It is considered more proper to edit your previous post to include the new comments instead of creating a new post. The problem with this can be that readers who have already read the original post may miss the information that was edited in. I think it depends on the context whether double posting in a thread is okay or not. For example: [b]Not OK[/b]: Double posting in close time interval [b]Not OK[/b]: Double posting the exact same message [b]OK[/b]: Double posting in longer time interval (separated in few hours or even days) [b]OK[/b]: Double posting, each with lengthy message, with totally different content, or refer to different members, etc. Do you have other opinion about this?[/quote] All those found guilty as charge in causing mayhem and mischievous activities in our small forum shall be [b]"BANNED"[/b] in our forum so be wise in posting (Banning shall be noted by sir [i]"Admin"[/i]) =| [hr] [b]Added by:[/b] [i]Ephemeral[/i] Kindly refrain from posting [b]"1st one to comment or post, thanks!"[/b] because it will be considered as spam also make sure your reply has a meaning. Practice the proper ideas of replying in a certain topic. I know some will be abhor this idea idea and loathe me for it but, I am just trying to help you guys in terms of English and vocabulary. It's better to understand a topic well before complying replies. :thumbsup: [hr] [b]Added by:[/b] [i]eehjhay[/i] Having different and interesting tricks in our Friendster Profile is fun. But we must know our limitations. [b]We must respect other people's privacy.[/b] Friendster tricks that display other people's ip address, email address, etc, is an example of breaking someone's privacy. Another example is unlocking other people's private Friendster profile. Please we must respect the privacy of other people. [hr] [b]Added by:[/b] [i]eehjhay[/i] Everyday we can see members' name in every new posts in this forum section. And if we check their every new posts, they're all the same such as [b]'[u]Thanks![/u]', '[u]Nice codes, thanks![/u]', '[u]Thanks for sharing![/u]', etc.[/b] Come on? These guys can also be called as spammers. We all know that they are only trying to increase their total post counts. They're not really giving compliments on the code contributors. They're being rude. To avoid some confusion and arguments, these are some samples of being not too obvious spammer: [quote]For example, member: '[b]mynameis[/b]' has 5 new posts in 5 topics in this forum section. Almost all of his new posts are the same, [i]'[u]great code[/u]!', '[u]thank you for sharing[/u]!', '[u]nice code[/u]', '[u]cool trick![/u]', '[u]good work[/u]'[/i] This member '[b]mynameis[/b]' did not even gave some good feedback or comment about those tricks, probably did not even read the topic.[/quote] On the other hand, the proper way of giving compliment is that your post is relevant or has some information or feedback about that particular trick. [quote]For example, member: '[b]coolmember[/b]' has 3 new posts in 3 topics in this forum section. This member's posts contains, [i]'[u]cool effects! i like the colors![/u]', '[u]nice trick! i really like the scrolling thingy[/u]', '[u]wow! cool! it has some small faults but its alright[/u]'[/i] This member read and analyzed the topic before posting a comment.[/quote] We will not tolerate spammers. [hr] [b]Added by:[/b] [i]Shirow Masamune[/i] [quote][align=center][color=RED][b]****WARNING****[/b][/color][/align] so i made this simple guidelines as similar to the rules on this thread well i know you people are too damn lazy to read these but it is relevant to you to do so [b]NOW IMPLEMENTING ON THIS THREAD!!! [/b] As part of this community and commitment to make this thread a great place to discuss and share ideas pertaining to sharing of Friendster Tricks,Ideas we require that you abide with the rules. We have tried our best to make this forum a better place... The guidelines and rules explain what behavior is expected of you and what behavior you can expect from other community members. Moderators shall have full discretion to address any behavior that they feel is inappropriate. Also, suspension or banishment from the forum We reserves the right to suspend your access to the Forum at any time for reasons that include, but are not necessarily limited to, your failure to abide by rules. It is the responsibility of the members to be aware of the rules. Failure to be so informed does not release, nor excuse them from coverage of these guidelines. there will be no exemption to it thats why we have common sense to those hard-headed rule ignorant members then stand on your grounds expect no quarters!!! [b]SANCTIONS[/b] All inappropriate posts and activities including [b]SPAM[/b] will be reviewed by the Moderators. A “Warning” is an AUTOMATIC 7-day curse [b] SANCTION LEVELS[/b] Level 1 – [color=tomato]WARNING:[/color] 7 day cursed of account This is used for first time offenders or for petty offenses. especially [b]spammers[/b] Level 2 – [color=orange]SERIOUS:[/color] 30-day cursed of account This is used for second-time offenders or offenses that are serious in nature Level 3 – [color=red]GRAVE:[/color] Permanent ban or IP ban This is used for third-time offenders or offenses that are grave in nature. ok time to be now more stricter and serious [b]NOTES:[/b] *I don't care what rank you are if you violated the rules and thats it for you.. you will be given too a sanction *No 2nd chances for [b]spammers[/b] *Kindly report or pm to me if you saw any spammers or offender here they will be given a sanction thank you for your cooperation... To spammers: you made an account here just to spam on this forum??? heck!! thats utter garbage you don't deserve to be he...[/quote] [hr] [b]Added by:[/b] [i]Ephemeral[/i] Please avoid reposting of codes. Do some research before posting.

Last edited by Ephemeral (2009-03-20 11:49:01)

Pages: 123

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