Pages: 123

  2008-03-10 22:06:38

» n00b
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preview first :arrow: [url=]my simple page[/url] Did you like it? Wan't to do it too? If yes, Go on reading :D This script is so simple... i just added some

preview first :arrow: [url=]my simple page[/url] Did you like it? Wan't to do it too? If yes, Go on reading :D This script is so simple... i just added some divs and tags on [b]Mr. lordheinz's [i]Personalized your post comments and your nos. of comments![/i][/b] Credits to him... =):thumbsup: [b]1)[/b] First, if you dont know external js and css, Go and read the sticky post first... :eh: [b]2)[/b] If you already understand what a js is and you already have one, copy paste this :thumbsdown: to your js file [quote]document.getElementById('content_18').getElementsByTagName("div")[0].innerHTML= "<a href=\"/comments.php?uid=[b]YOUR_ID[/b]\"><span>[b]Post A Comment[/b]</a> | </span>"+ "<a href=\"/comments.php?uid=[b]YOUR_ID[/b]\"><span> [b]view all (99025)[/b]</span></a><br><br>"+ "<big><b>[b]My favorite Comments:[/b]</b></big><br><br>"+[/quote] edit the bold parts on the code above [b]3)[/b] Copy paste this :thumbsdown: below the code you pasted earlier. (leave 3 or 4 enter spaces before pasting) [quote]"<big><b>Latest Comments:</b></big>"+ "<br>"; document.getElementById('content_18').getElementsByTagName("div")[[color=red]21[/color]].innerHTML= "<a href=\"/comments.php?uid=[b]YOUR_ID[/b]\"><span>[b]Post A Comment[/b]</a> | </span>"+ "<a href=\"/comments.php?uid=[b]YOUR_ID[/b]\"><span> [b]view all (99025)[/b]</span></a>";[/quote] Edit bold parts also. [i]*note[/i] red part increases by two for every favorite comment...if you have only one fave comment, add 2 so it will be 23. If you have two favorite comments, add 4 so it will be 25 and so on....... [b]4)[/b] Go to the link below and fillup the fields then generate. [i]I suggest not to fake any part...[/i] [url][/url] [b]5)[/b] Paste the generated code on the space between the code on step 2 and step 3 [b]6)[/b] Save your work and refresh your page... That's it!! tell me if it didn't work ok?? [b]7)[/b] and The last step... + repu me... :eh::thumbsup:

Pages: 123

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