Just came across with this thread because of Duch and I can't help but to react.

Rules are ALWAYS for the benefit of the most important people of a particular site. Those are the members, just like you, Mr. Funmail. You may find it too strict because it limits you to do the things you want but you have to look beyond the surface. A solid example is the signature size limit you were talking about. Yes, it didn't give you the freedom of choice to use the image you want, but hey, using extra huge images affect the loading of the whole forum. It slows down the loading, in short. I bet, you nor anybody here wants a slow forum. You won't enjoy browsing around. The bottom line is, rules are rules. This is a free forum, the Admin nor the Moderators are not getting anything from you, talking about the material things here. The least thing you can do, as a dedicated member, is to comply with the rules.
With regards to the closing of threads without prior notice, I can't give much comment on that because I only lurk on the boards I'm interested with so I haven't got the chance to see the locked threads. But one thing's for sure, the Moderators are just doing their job. However, if and only if, that is really true, I believe that the concern people should do something about it to avoid further chaos and unwanted discussions.
This is my first comment on incidents like this, and I really hope I did make sense.