i've read some of your post and i observed your actions lately and you almost annoyed numerous members to be honest... you getting out of my nerves i had enough!! now im getting annoyed by your blatant posts about the rules here is that really hard to follow this simple rules?

lol don't make me laugh yes indeed everyone has a freedom but!! there is a limitation to it if that freedom is abusing and violates someones right and rules then its up to us to make appropriate actions...
you and the others as well is oblige to follow and abide with the rules without it everybody can do anything without limitations including spams and flames and what will be the outcome of it??? nothing but CHAOS!!! if there is no rules there will be no order and thats it and if that happens what will be the fate of this forum well its nothing it will become a disordered thrash having shit members who could pissed off and annoyed other individuals as well..
and for you mister funmail well if you can't take this forum strictness and if you keep refusing about it you may just leave this forum peacefully as simple as that cause here we don't need such a hard-headed and a blatant members here...
Last edited by Shirow Masamune (2008-03-11 07:30:34)