Here Are Some [color=orange]Areas[/color] That You Can Use.
[i]Left Side Boxes[/i]
[b]Control Panel[/b]
[b]About me:[/b]
[b]Media Box/Scrap Book[/b]
[b]Right Side Boxes[/b]
[b]Google Ads[/b]
[b]Fans of Box[/b]
If you want the content to be replaced just add [b]content_[/b]
[i]Chat Box[/i]
[quote]function chatbox(){
var ephemeral = "<div align='center' id='cboxdiv'><iframe frameborder='0' width='300' height='200' src='http://www?' marginheight='2' marginwidth='2' scrolling='auto' allowtransparency='yes' name='cboxmain' style='border:#00FFFF 1px solid;' id='cboxmain'></iframe><br/><iframe frameborder='0' width='300' height='75' src='http://www?' marginheight='2' marginwidth='2' scrolling='no' allowtransparency='yes' name='cboxform' style='border:#00FFFF 1px solid;border-top:0px' id='cboxform'></iframe></div>";
document.getElementById('[color=orange]Area[/color]').innerHTML = "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>"+ephemeral+"</td></tr></table>";
[i]Flash Object[/i]
[quote]function mp3(){
var ephemeral = "<embed src='' quality='high' wmode='transparent'flashvars='USERID=??????' width='300' height='170' name='' type='application/x-shockwave-flash'pluginspage='' />";
document.getElementById('[color=orange]Area[/color]').innerHTML = "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>"+ephemeral+"</td></tr></table>";
[i]Embed Object[/i]
[quote]function embed(){
var ephemeral = "<embed src='' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' quality='high' scale='noscale' salign='l' wmode='transparent' flashvars='cy=fr&il=1&channel=216172782121768729&' style='width:400px;height:140px' name='flashticker' align='middle'/>";
document.getElementById('[color=orange]Area[/color]').innerHTML = "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>"+ephemeral+"</td></tr></table>";
If you are gonna use [b]14[/b] (Ads area) as an area make sure you are not using any hide CSS codes.
On the code you will see [b].style.height='300';[/b] change that to your prefer height [b]<table width='100%'>[/b] to prefered width also if you want change the text alignment

Check out for some ideas on properties in styles.
Check [url=]here[/url] for preview. Check the photo gallery.

Here's an example finished code. use as guide... I am using this code currently ony profile so I assure you it works. Just use the idea above and how I did the format...
Last edited by Ephemeral (2007-12-23 02:47:10)