**edited by eehjhay**
[quote=eehjhay]I would just explain more the previous guideline and add some points.
1. [b]Upgraded/updated layouts.[/b] Make sure that all your pre-made layouts are working and available to use. [i]Tip: You may check your pre-mades if they are working every month or once a month if possible.[/i]
2. [b]Screenshots.[/b] This is the one of the important thing that you have to include. Not all users have a fast internet connections so don't punish them. [b]Note! Screenshots must not be too large. It should not ruin the forum's structure/template.[/b]
3. [b]Layouts' Codes.[/b] There are three ways to include your layouts' codes: [b]Direct Linking[/b] or [b]Code Tagging[/b] or both. [u]Redirecting users to go to other websites to download the layouts' codes is unacceptable.[/u]
> [i]Direct Linking - posting a direct URL link of your codes. Your codes must be saved as a [b]text file (.txt)[/b] or you may zip the text file together with your background images (if you want the users to upload the images on their own host)[/i]
> [i]Code Tagging - posting your whole HTML codes in a CODE TAG. To learn how to use the CODE TAG, go [url=http://theftalk.com/help.php]HERE[/url][/i]
[li]Originality - Do not copy any pre-made layouts of others and claim it as if you made them on your own.[/li]
[li]Rippers - If you copied a layout from any others' layouts, you will be called as a ripper. You will be subject to immediate banning from using and viewing any overlay profiles and you will be listed in Markyctrigger's Hall of Shame[/li]
If you see any overlay layout rippers, please notify any moderators of FriendsterTalk and/or Markyctrigger Forum.[/quote]
[quote=admin]1. Make sure the layout code is working
2. It's better if the description and screenshot of your layout is included. [b]Layout without screenshot will automatically be deleted.[/b]
3. Put the layout code inside "code" tags. [url=http://theftalk.com/help.php]Click here[/url] for the reference.[/quote]
Check it [url=http://theftalk.com/t40-Posting-Friendster-Layout-Guidelines.html]Here, Post #1[/url]

[b] Be sure to post your OWN work. Do not copy other creators' works. Such copied works will be edited and codes will be deleted.
Your post will look like this:
[color=red] I COPIED THIS CODE FROM [url]http://www...[/url] I AM A LAYOUT STEALER! [/color][/b]
[i]how to use the layouts?[/i]
[b]visit our help section and friendster tutorials

[i]how to put screen shots?[/i] [b][url=http://theftalk.com/viewtopic.php?pid=22027#p22027]Visit here[/url][/b]
Last edited by eehjhay (2007-08-26 08:44:40)