[quote=' 'eMokIdD]^Your damn pretty!
Are you really Thai? you look more Korean.[/quote]
[quote=*kim-a-holic][b]UMA.[/b] You're soooo cute. Ulzzang beauty.

[b]HARBII.[/b] Some THAIs have that kind of look. I had THAI and MALAYSIAN friends at my FS first account before, and they had big eyes and nice hair at their pictures. :] And they really look cute. I can't seem to distinguish them from Chinese and Koreans.[/quote]
wahaha.. i'm a pure thai

it doesn't bother me to look like a korean XD
cuz i wanna look like one!

if ya go to thailand, u'l see galz and guyz who are umm..
looking like korean or japanese XD
teenagers from my local area got all these "wanna have a small eye" anatomy
i think i got this anatomy thing also XDDDDD
[quote=*kim-a-holic]TOPIC > > With my new haircut.
Which do you prefer? My long hair or my short hair?
Tell me about it.

yaha! i like both :3
short or long, u are still ur pretty sis kimmie XD
[quote=deathwish4MCR-freak-dude][b] uma[/b]
i love ur skin uma.

wash it everyday before sleep
and wuala! uma's skin

anyway, u look good in ur pics

@deathsiren : omg sis! ur so pretty!!

@Topic: abe XD
later, later