[b]@kristina16[/b]..yea i dnt really go on ym dat mch nemore..couldnt bother..hve to do heaps of hw..
[b]@yuna[/b]..jz call me lynne its easier..ehehe u look cute n ur pix btw..*-*
[b]@deathsiren[/b]..yea u do..i swear u luk exactly lyk her..ur like minnie her..ehehe
recent pic..
me wif my bf..
he luks really tired..coz he jz finished doin sumfin in our kitchen he helped us..he used to b a chef :midfinger: ..dat day was my lil
sissy's birthday..she had a partayy..
me nd my bf agen..jumping castle behind us..ehehe we had soo mch fun dat day..

my bf nd my bestfriend..

Last edited by -zhweetilicious-xo- (2008-03-24 00:10:51)