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  2008-04-01 12:01:20

» FTalker
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Re: pertama" maap ama mods jika thread ini gagh berguna ato udah pernah d share!! ^_^ coz pda mnta dee buad share k sni.. ^_^ credit : 1.script : [b]feruzz[/b] 2.img : yahoo.messenger prev

[u][b][color=#0000FF]Edit After Bang Kher :thumbsup: Post [/color][/b][/u] [b]@Bang KHER[/b] sorry bang, ane kaga tau kalo AbanG udaH posT duluaN.... taDi LOM ada soale pas ane lagi edit2 Kode [b]bro Dee[/b] :D .....Kabuuurrrr..............:penguin::penguin::penguin:.............:penguin::penguin::penguin: [quote=rhevarhe_duh]supaya box quick comment dipindahin ke bawah deket media box bisa gag? thanks.[/quote] @BRo rhevarhe_duh [quote][b] init: function()[/b] { this.comment = document.getElementById("[b][color=#FF0000]content_18[/color][/b]").getElementsByTagName("div")[0]; this.comment.innerHTML = "<div align='center' class=\"data\">"+ "<p>you can also dress up your testimonial or comment with HTML, CSS and embed images !"+ ............blablabla...............[/quote] [b]content_18[/b] <==== Ganti dengan [/b][/color][color=0000FF][b]content_10[/b][/color] [quote=traNzisTa][b]@kak dee[/b] kalo mau ngilangin tulisand ini kak gimana?? [quote][b]you can also dress up your testimonial or comment with HTML, CSS and embed images ! click here to find out how to add videos and images.[/b][/quote] maksudnya mao langsung smilies aja gitu :D[/quote] [b]Cari bagian ini sis [/b] [quote]/* COMMENTOR OBJECT */ if (typeof COMMENTOR == "undefined") { COMMENTOR = {}; } COMMENTOR = { comment: [], [b]init: function() {[/b] this.comment = document.getElementById("content_18").getElementsByTagName("div")[0]; this.comment.innerHTML = "<div align='center' class=\"data\">"+ "<p>[color=#FF0000][b]you can also dress up your testimonial or comment with HTML, CSS and embed images ![/b][/color]"+ "<a href=\"javascript:popup('/info/helpmedia.php',450,400,'yes');\"> click here</a> "+ "to find out how to <a href=\"javascript:popup('/info/helpmedia.php',450,400,'yes');\">"+ "add videos and images</a>.</p></div>"+ "<marquee>quick comment ini akan berhasil klo kamu make browser mozzila firefox</marquee>"+ ..............BLABLABAl...............[/quote] [quote=kotak]maaf kk,kalo smileynya semua diilangin bisa ga?? soalnya berat banget nih,, hehe[/quote] [b]@Bro Kotak[/b] Coba [b]GANTI SEMUA [/b]Kode Aslinya dengan yang [b]DIBAWAH INI[/b] [color=#FF0000]SAYA TIDAK [b]MENJAMIN[/b] KODE INI BERHASIL, KARENA QUICK COMMENT SAYA BEDA VERSI DENGAN MILIK [b]BRO DEE[/b][/color] ingat [b]BACKUP[/b] sebelum bro melakukan modifikasi [quote]/* COMMENTOR OBJECT */ if (typeof COMMENTOR == "undefined") { COMMENTOR = {}; } COMMENTOR = { comment: [], init: function() { this.comment = document.getElementById("content_18").getElementsByTagName("div")[0]; this.comment.innerHTML = "<div align='center' class=\"data\">"+ "<p>you can also dress up your testimonial or comment with HTML, CSS and embed images !"+ "<a href=\"javascript:popup('/info/helpmedia.php',450,400,'yes');\"> click here</a> "+ "to find out how to <a href=\"javascript:popup('/info/helpmedia.php',450,400,'yes');\">"+ "add videos and images</a>.</p></div>"+ "<marquee>quick comment ini akan berhasil klo kamu make browser mozzila firefox</marquee>"+ "<div class=\"viewall\" id=\"quickreply\"><center>"+ "<form name=\"testimonial_form\" method=\"post\">"+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"testimonial_firstname\" value=\""+pageOwnerFName+"\">"+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"testimonial_uid\" value=\""+pageViewerID+"\">"+ "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"_submitted\" value=\"1\">"+ "<table class=\"formtable\"><tr><td class=\"value\">"+ "<textarea id=\"thingy\" rows=\"5\" cols=\"70\" name=\"body\"></textarea>"+ "</td></tr><tr><td class=\"value\">"+ "<input readonly type=\"hidden\" name=\"inputcount\" size=\"4\" maxlength=\"4\" value=\"1000\">"+ "<input style='padding: 4px 0; margin: 10px 0 6px 0;font-family:Arial;font-weight:bold;color:#17728f;border:1px solid #196B91;background-color:#ffffff' type=\"button\" name=\"Submit\" onMouseOver=\"window.status='Post';return true;\" onClick=\"document.testimonial_form.action='"+pageOwnerID+"&action=add';document.testimonial_form.submit();\" value=\"Submit\"> "+ "<input style='padding: 4px 0; margin: 10px 0 6px 0;font-family:Arial;font-weight:bold;color:#17728f;border:1px solid #196B91;background-color:#ffffff' class=\"cancelButtons\" type=\"reset\" name=\"cancel\" value=\"Clear\" maxlength=\"25\"><br>"+ "</td></tr></table></form></center></div><br><hr><br>"; } }; function x(){ return; }[/quote] Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, [b]BACA[/b][url=]Cara Implementasi quick Comment/Testi Milik [b]Feruzz[/b][/url]

Last edited by dr4cul453xy (2008-04-03 05:36:44)

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