
[quote=StormBerry FAQ][b]What is this web site about?[/b]
Basically, this is a free web site, that lets people share subtitles, on top of some video, mostly from Youtube. This can en-able the video to be more meaningful to people leaving in foreign lands. For example, if aliens can understand the videos we have been watching all this while, they might think twice about attacking us. Bad joke? Yeah. Of course, there can be more creative ways of using our service like posting video love letters, video email, video diaries, etc. Enter something in the search box above, and start to be creative! We are surely looking forward to get entertained.
To take things further, we also use Yahoo Babelfish to translate subtitles into various languages, so that the subtitle can be understandable to even more people. You can try it by simply by going to our video page, and click around. Its kind of obvious. Enjoy.[/quote]
This is a good site for streaming anime episodes, next to Crunchy. The good thing about this site is that its search engine. It returns videos from YouTube and Veoh as its results.
For example, if we do a search for Death Note 33, this would be the resulting page:
http://stormberry.tv/searchAndView.php?search=death+note+33&Submit=GO. Take a look at the left side of the page, you'll see videos from YouTube and Veoh at the same time. Really comes in handy