Pages: 12344

  2006-10-11 22:19:48

SymphOny XII
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

[b]dark witch layout [/b] [color=red]OLD ADD ONS. If you want the layout, change the ADD ONS code (modules) if you know how. Codes will soon be updated. Just wait.[/color] [url=http://www.freewebs.c

[quote=meng.o3]:cool: [quote][quote][b] please read the title of the topic before you use this. as what i have put in the title, it says [Overlay] so basically this is an overlay layout that needs to be generated using the overlay generator.. [url][/url] [url][/url] (alternate OG site) after you generate the codes copy and paste it in the now playing/media section[/b][/quote] [/quote] :cool:[/quote] ha! that will help ;)

Pages: 12344

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