This is not an add-on.
A hyperlink (anchor tag) can be simplified to
[quote]<a href="[b]URL[/b]" target="[b]_blank[/b]">[b]LINK[/b]</a>[/quote]
Uniform Resource Locator. This is the direct webpage address to where you want to browse if you click the hyperlink (anchor tag)
Target attribute. It indicates that how the clicked-link should display. It is either:
_blank (opens in a new window)
_self (opens the current window)
_parent (opens in the parent frameset)
_top (opens in a full body of the window)
Bulleted lists must be nested in an ordered list tags or unordered list tags.
For example:
All attributes should have values contained in a " " to prevent code errors and to be valid for w3 validation.
Last edited by eehjhay (2008-04-15 17:30:15)