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  2007-06-08 01:23:16

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Re: [img][/img] Naruto Shippuuden is the continuation of the original animated TV series Naruto.The story revolves around an older and sligh

hahaha... may DVD nah akoh nyan... hehehe... watch nah lang kayoh sah youtube... [hr] [quote=Resha]Noo, nooo spoilers please. Naruto Shippuuden is now on Episode 4. And hoping to watch episode 5. I loved it, Sakura got stronger, and Naruto became a [i]lil'[/i] intellegent. :lol:[/quote] hwwaaaatttt!!!!, how come you haven't seen eps. 5?, FYI, Eps. 16 is aLready reLeased!!uhm!, ::tip:: go to and search for it!!..enjoy :eh: [hr] [quote=Nero][quote=FoRsAkEnKiD]^ I watched ep12 yesterday, and i noticed something that's related to the theory about Naruto being the Akatsuki Leader. There was a scene when the Plant Man (i forgot his name) reported to the Leader: [quote]PlantMan: "Enemies are coming. One of them is Maito Gai." Leader: "Who is he?"[/quote] Now this was interesting. If the Leader was indeed Naruto, he couldnt possibly forget about Gai-sensei could he? =) But then again, he could just be bluffing or something. Question: Do the members of Akatsuki know about the Leader's true identity? :rolleyes:[/quote] Now you say it..there still something wrong here...... PlantMan: "Enemies are coming. One of them is Maito Gai." But no one ever mentioned Gai's surname and how he knows Gai's surname is Maito.[/quote] `plantman?, who is he?, I think you taLking about ZETSU!!, Naruto is not the LEADER of the akatsuki org. ,actuaLLy!!, there are rumors that the akatsuki LEADER is Naruto's father!!,who is YONDAIME or the fourth hokage!!!! but stiLL it is not confirmed that the akatsuki leader is naruto's father nor Naruto's father is yondaime!! Let's wait FOR Kishimoto -sensei to finish his sTory!! :eh: :D [hr] `uhm?, if you want to read more about story!! just try to search in these sites: but if you want some of the summaries cLick the link beLow: there are some pictures there!! I don't know if these are just spoiLers or is OH!!so, REAL!! but there are some rumors that the 4th is the akatsuki Leader I've read it in aLOt forums. but, it's not reaLLy sure!! some say that the fourth is reaLLy naruto!! guys havent you thought of this: ** how come the seaL is in naruto's body?, why not in the fourth? did you saw the time when Orochimaru attacked Konoha, and the third performed the jutsu made by the Fourth to seaL Orochimaru's souL in it!! ** the seaL in the tummy of the third is actuaLLy the same seaL in Naruto's tummy!!, they say that the fourth is reincarnated into a baby after seaLing the Kyubi in himself. some say that the seal himself is naruto!!*odd isn't it!?* but who knows??what Kishimoto is pLanning in his story!! we'LL just wait!!hahah :midfinger: :) [hr] :arrow: [color=red]Multiple Posts Merged[/color]

Last edited by FoRsAkEnKiD (2007-06-10 05:47:50)

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