1st h... maybe because everybody is using the same links

[url]http://h1.ripway.com/memberofthecradle/css.swf[/url] and
and inside those links are two more links... so 3 same links all in all...
so if everybody is using it at the same time... traffic i guess or a
bandwidth problem may occur...
suggestion: upload/host your own css.swf codes and links
2nd h... after saving the linker you will be viewing your profile
in this address ---
suggestion: change the address first before you Refresh/Reload
your main page into this(like what andha said)...
http://profiles.friendster.com/user.php?uid=[b]USER ID[/b][/quote]
change the bold part with your USER/FRIENDSTER ID first...
3rd h... I got force login and friendscan alerts too... but no problem at all.
no welcome alerts... so maybe its the welcome alerts i guess heheh...
4th h... and yup!! the redirection/enter/welcome/intro/whatever js scripts
is also part of the problem... maybe because the fx linker has some
codes to load first... so a sudden redirection creates a conflict..
other than that... i think... THIS IS A VERY USEFUL LINKER TOO!!