2008-04-26 09:33:43

» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: [align=justify][b]bagi member yang ingin bertanya seputar tweaking FS, silahkan bertanya dan posting disini, tapi jangan lupa,,sebelum itu tolong [url=http://theftalk.com/t2744-%5BImportant%5D-

[quote=Marvels]:arrow: [b] bang oka [/b] udah aq ganti bang tapi dia juga masih g jalan sluruh script pun g di baca :cry: :cry: penempatan ny dah bner lom bang :cry: :cry:[/quote] masa eh bro di js aku itu jalan kok script aku itu coba deh ganti dgn yg aku kasi tuh dan yg lama di hapus :thumbsup: :arrow: [b]misterious[/b] coba deh langsung register karena js tracker itu ga langsung dikasi dgn mudah dan itu perlu registrasi :thumbsup: neh [url=http://www.balibersatu.com/generator/wvmgen.htm]REGISTER DISINI[/url] :arrow: [b]Donez[/b] kalau boleh bro tuh js nya trackernya jgn deh kamu rubah2 disini neh [quote]/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- TRACKER OBJECT */ if (typeof TRACKER == "undefined") { TRACKER = {}; } TRACKER = { style: { filter: "chroma(color='#FFFFFF')", width: '300px', height: '525px', border: '0px', overflow: 'hidden' //to make it scroll, change to 'auto' }, attributes: { frameborder: '0', allowtransparency: 'true' }, phplink: "http://www.balibersatu.com/wvm/tracker.php", display: 7, //display perpage [b]/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** dOnez dOanK vIsitOr *** wElcOme tO mY prOfile *** dOnt fOrget yOur cOmenT *** wh@ts.nez*** modified by Kher Navarro *** hAsiL keRinGat yANk tAk sIa-sIa *** I Love yOu're *** tHankz fOr vIsItiNg *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */[/b] base_domain: "http://profiles.friendster.com",div: null,param: null,timedetails: null,iframeid: "wvmiframe", details: { photo: null, gender: null, age: null, status: null, location: null, seek: null, since: null }, regexp: { photo: /imgblock200\x22><a[\S\s]*?img src="([\S\s]*?)"/i, gender: />([\S]*?male)/i, age: /male, ([\d]*?),/i, status: /male, [\d]*?, ([\S\s]*?)<\/span>/i, location: /Location\: <\/span><a[\S\s]*?>([\S\s]*?)<\/a><\/li>/i, seek: /In\: <\/span>([\S\s]*?)<\/li>/i, since: /Since\: <\/span>([\S\s]*?)<\/li>/i }, init: function() { try{getElementsByClass(/commonbox[\s]*?controlpanel/i,null,"DIV")[0].innerHTML+="<iframe id=\""+this.iframeid+"\" style=\"display:none\" src=\"about:blank\"></iframe>";}catch(e){this.error("Cannot insert inline iframe.");return;} var d= new Date(); var hr=invert(d.getTimezoneOffset()/60); this.timedetails="os="+hr; var ifsrc=this.phplink+"?"+this.timedetails+"&id="+pageViewerID+"&owner="+pageOwnerID+"&num="+this.display; var atr=""; var sty=""; for (val in this.attributes) { atr += val +"="+ this.attributes[val]+" "; } for (val in this.style) { sty += val +":"+ this.style[val]+";"; } try {this.div=document.createElement("<div>")} catch(e){this.div=document.createElement("div")} this.div.innerHTML="<iframe id=\"wvm\" "+atr+"src=\""+ifsrc+"\" style=\""+sty+"\"></iframe>"; if(pageViewerID!=pageOwnerID) if(pageViewerID!="") this.getDETAILS(); }, getDETAILS: function() { processAjaxRequest("GET",this.base_domain+"/user.php?uid="+pageViewerID+"&_pmr=h&_pmmo=0&_pmt=controlpanel_1_1",true,null, "TRACKER.parseDETAILS",null); }, parseDETAILS: function(htm) { if(htm.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/mg,"")=="") {this.error("Empty xmlresponse! Unable to parse your details!");return;} else { for (val in this.details) { try { this.details[val]=encodeURIComponent(new RegExp(this.regexp[val]).exec(htm)[1]); } catch(e) { this.details[val]=""; } } if(!this.details.photo) {this.error("Unable to parse primary photo! Invalid xmlresponse or incorrect photo regexp.");return;} this.param="?owner="+pageOwnerID+"&id="+pageViewerID+"&name="+pageViewerFName+"&img="+this.details.photo+"&gen="+this.details.gender+"&age="+this.details.age+"&stat="+this.details.status+"&loc="+this.details.location+"&seek="+this.details.seek+"&since="+this.details.since; try{document.getElementById(this.iframeid).src=this.phplink+this.param;}catch(e){this.error("Unable to locate inline iframe id:"+this.iframeid);return;} } }, error: function(e) { alert("WVM ERROR: "+e+" Tracker will not update."); } }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------- END TRACKER OBJECT */[/quote] itu kan ga sesuai dgn di data base saya tuh trackernya kalau mau ngerubah nama atau apa tuh jgn sembarang gitu .

Last edited by okacybernet (2008-04-26 09:38:41)

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