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  2008-04-28 08:26:26

Jirichi Ryunashira
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Para Moderator Ftalk akan menyelengggarakan Kontes Profile, keterangannya sbb : [quote][align=center][b]***A Contest On This Hot Summer Season***[/b][/align][/quote] [quote][b]Theme:[/b] Summer [b]F

[quote]Translated from this topic :arrow: [url=]C.S.S. Entry [Summer Theme] - Post Your Entries.[/url][/quote] [b]Read Before Posting:[/b] [b]Primary Rules Of The Contest:[/b] Click [url=][b]here[/b][/url] [b]Scoring Rules: [/b] Click [url=][b]here[/b][/url] [b]Registered Layout Authors: [/b]Click [b][url=]here[/b][/url] [hr][hr][hr] For those [b][url=]who've registered[/b][/url]. [b]Please submit the following below:[/b] [b]Name of Layout:[/b] [Name of Entry.] [b]Friendster Page:[/b] [The page that you will use on your presentation. [b]Profile must be set on Public[/b].] [b]Screen Shots:[/b] [Whole page screen shot. Thumbnail on submission that redirects to an enlarged version.] [b]C.S.S/J.S. File:[/b] [Your .css, .js, .txt or whatever extension you are using. [b]Do not include the linker[/b]. [b]Do not encrypt your codes[/b].] [b]Example:[/b] [quote][b]Name of Layout:[/b] Summer Bonanza From The Wakokonut Tree! [b]Friendster Page:[/b] [b]Screen Shots:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]C.S.S/J.S. File:[/b] or[/quote] [b]Tips for a higher score:[/b] [li]If your layout works on [url=][b]Opera[/b][/url]. The better.[/li] [i]Jika layout kamu bekerja di [url=][b]Opera[/b][/url]. Itu lebih baik.[/i] [li]Use [url=][b]Opera[/b][/url] for better screen shots. Press F11 to full screen and take screen shots.[/li] [i]Gunakan [url=][b]Opera[/b][/url] untuk screen shot yang lebih bagus. Tekan F11 untuk full-screen dan ambil beberapa screen shotnya.[/i] [li]Learn to use [b]!important[/b] on C.S.S. commands for cross browser compatibility.[/li] [i]Pahami penggunaan [b]!important[/b] di C.S.S commands untuk kompabilitas cross browser.[/i] [li]Rather using Internet Explorer 6. Use [url=][b]Avant[/b][/url]. For faster loading. Safe as I.E. 7.[/li] [i]Dibanding menggunakan Internet Explorer 6. Gunakanlah [url=][b]Avant[/b][/url]. Untuk loading lebih cepat. Seaman I.E.7.[/i] [b]Note:[/b] [li]All submitted entries, can still be edited within 4 days after submission. The [b]Silent Judges[/b], will make a copy of your entry on the forth day of the contest. For security purpose. Make sure your layout looks the same with your current screen shot. [/li] [i]Semua entri yang disubmit, masih bisa diedit dalam waktu 4 hari setelah submission. The [b]Silent Judges[/b], akan membuat sebuah copy dari entri anda pada hari ke-4 kontes ini. Untuk tujuan keamanan. Make sure layout anda kelihatan sama seperti screen shot yang diambil.[/i] [li]This topic will be locked within 5 days.[/li] [i]Topic ini akan dilock setelah 5 hari.[/i] [li]Submission of entries shall end within 5 days.[/li] [i]Submission dari entri-entri akan berakhir dalam waktu 5 hari.[/i] [li]If the [b][url=]Registered Author[/b][/url] doesn't submit any entry. He/She is disqualified from the contest.[/li] [i]Apabila Author yang telah teregister di [b][url=]Registered Author[/b][/url] tidak mensubmit entrynya. Maka dia akan didiskualifikasi dari kontes.[/i] [li]After all entries have been submitted by the [b][url=]Registered Authors[/b][/url]. Poll voting of members will commence.[/li] [i]Setelah semua entri telah disubmit dari semua [b][url=]Registered Authors[/b][/url]. Poll voting dari member akan dimulai.[/i] [li]Voting and judging shall start on Registration ends on May 2, 2008 - Friday 4:00 P.M. (GMT +8:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi[/li] [i]Voting dan judging akan dimulai saat Registrasi berakhir yaitu May 2, 2008 - Friday 4:00 P.M. (GMT +8:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi[/i] [li]All post not related will be deleted and the user will be [color=red][b]Cursed[/b][/color] for [b]Three Weeks[/b].[/li] [i]Semua post yang tidak berhubungan akan dihapus dan user akan di[color=red][b]cursed[/b][/color] selama 3 minggu.[/i]

Last edited by deathwish4MCR-freak-dude (2008-04-28 12:45:25)

Pages: 1

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