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  2008-05-08 00:46:09

» n00b
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can anyone help me w/ my visitor area in my fs???????????????????hirs my link

oops......hirs my code can anyone check it?pls <html> <head> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- var space = " "; var speed = "50"; var pos = 0; var msg = "!......-=+ Welcome to my Profile +=-......!"; function Scroll() { document.title = msg.substring(pos, msg.length) + space + msg.substring(0,pos); pos++; if (pos > msg.length) pos = 0; window.setTimeout("Scroll()", speed); } Scroll(); --> </script> </script> <script> function MYALERT() { alert("why does hello seems like goodbye?"); } MYALERT() </script> <style> #automainphotoid img { width:100px;height:100px; border:#800080 1px solid; } #FAlinkid img { border: #800080 1px solid; } </style> <!---shout box----> <style type="text/css"> #AUSOid{ font-family:"Arial"; font-size:10px; color:#666666} </style> <style> body{scrollbar-arrow-color:717171; scrollbar-Track-Color:000000; scrollbar-Highlight-Color:800080; scrollbar-base-color:000000; scrollbar-Face-Color:800080; scrollbar-Shadow-Color:800080; scrollbar-DarkShadow-Color:800080;} </style> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .style84 {color: #BEBEBE; 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I <u>cry</u> for the time that you were almost mine<img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img>, I cry for the memories I've <b>left</b> <s>behind</s><img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img>, I cry for the <i>pain</i><img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img>, the <b>lost</b><img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img>, the old the new<img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img>, I cry for the times I <b>thought</b> I had you <img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img> Not all <u>scars</u> show<img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img>, not all <u>wounds</u> <i>heal</i> Sometimes you can't always see <img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img>The <s>pain</s> someone feels <img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img> Whats the sense of <u>wishing</u> for something when I always just wish it away?<img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img> Every night i talk to the stars<img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img><img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img> <b>pretending</b> its you.. it acts just like you tho<img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img>.. far away and never replies to my questions Why do people tell you to <s>believe</s> in what you want to but then tell you not to believe in the one true <u>thing</u> you do believe in? <img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img> Times a <s>precious</s> thing to waste,<img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img> but friends are more <img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img>precious Kiss me im <u>emo!</u> <img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img> The sad truth is<img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img> that most evil is done by <b>people</b><img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""> who never <s>make</s> up their minds to be good or evil. The saddest aspect of<img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img> life right now is that <b>science</b><img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img> gathers knowledge faster than <i>society</i> gathers wisdom. Do not <u>assume</u> <img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img> that he who seeks to <i>comfort</i> you now, lives <img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img>untroubled among<img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img> the simple and <s>quiet</s> words that sometimes do <img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img>you good. His life may also have<img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img> much sadness and difficulty, that remains far beyond yours. <img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img>Were it otherwise, he would never have been able to find these words. </font></font></font> <br> <br> <b><center>†¸¸.·´´♥¸¸.·´´† <img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img> -i lyk black-<img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img> † `··._.· ♥`··._.· †</center></b> </span><br /><br /> <span class="style86">WHO I WANT TO MEET: </span><br /> <span class="style114"> <font color=white><font face="comic sans ms"><font size="2">Girls w/ cords, pants roled up at the bottom, emo♥ bandshirts♥, emo ♥band pins♥, and of course, an emo ex-boyfriend. ♥Hornrimmed glasses♥, or♥ glasses with thick blak rims♥, and ♥bangs that cover at least half their face♥. Lastly, a pair chucks<img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img>♥<img class="bullets" type="image/gif" src=""></img>, and matching ♥belt♥ of course, cause we all know, your belts HAVE to♥ match your shoes.♥<br/> Nerd, with a fashion sence.<br/> †¸¸.·´´♥¸¸.·´´†<b><s>outside</s></b>: †¸¸.·´´♥¸¸.·´´†<br/> 1 usually have a<u> mullet</u><br/> 2 either really <font size=2>skiny</font> <br/> or really <i>fat</i><br/> 3 mostly <u>white</u> <s>people</s> because <font face=rockwell>black people</font> are too stuck up to listen to white people sing<br/> 4 <b>dress cute</b><br/> †¸¸.·´´♥¸¸.·´´†<b><s>inside:</s></b>†¸¸.·´´♥¸¸.·´´†<br/> 1<i> nice</i><br/> 2 if they do <font size=2>drugs</font>, its for attention<br/> 3 some of them know they dont have problems but they act like it anyway<br/> 4 not sad dont cry a lot<br/> get to know people<br/> they dont like to be called emo</font></font></font> </span><br /><br> </span> <br /> </p> </td> </tr> </table> <table width="350" height="52" border="1" bordercolor="#800080"> <tr> <th width="321" height="1" valign="top" bordercolor="#800080" background="">&nbsp; 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