[quote]from: bhadeath

i its niCe.. But can ask whAt is js File?.. wHer Can I found That?[/quote]
[b]js[/b] meaning javascript...
you can create ur own js file in other hosting site like:
and you must sign up 1st before u can have a js file..
after u sign up... you will login ur account..
and click the [b]create text file[/b]
the [b]file name[/b]: example (bhadeath.js)
and in the [b]text[/b]... you must put the code like dis:
[quote]var penyuberenang;
try {penyuberenang = document.createElement("div");}
catch (e) {penyuberenang = document.createElement("<div>");}
penyuberenang.innerHTML = "YOUR ICON CODE HERe";
[b]note: edit 1st the code...[/b]
and click the [b]save file[/b] if you are finish..
if u r looking 4 js linker...hirs the adress:
p.s: give me a + additional reputation...
[b]hope you understand...[/b]

Last edited by crimez2 (2008-05-13 02:33:16)