what is a shortcut icon??

code save as js file

this is for css profiles:
[quote]var icon = document.createElement("link");
icon.rel = "SHORTCUT ICON";
icon.href = "[b]URL OF .ico IMAGE[/b]";
the image should be .ico example
http://theftalk.com/pix/favicon.ico [img]http://theftalk.com/pix/favicon.ico[/img]
however we can also put this in the enterpage or overlay profiles:
just use this one.. and place between the head tags..
<">anyway, where you can upload or make a .ico image???
u can use it in the adobe photoshop..
and for those with no photoshop u can upload image here
http://www.chami.com/html-kit/services/favicon/ u can use your picture..

hehe.. just sharing..
Last edited by xavierkym (2007-10-28 09:56:54)