[b]@Shirow Masamune[/b]
can you take a screenshot and encircle the white
thing you that you're saying coz I dont see any white thing
Im using FIREFOX

just edit the RadioBlog.cover on WTF.php the default is 0 so change it
to 1 to show the album cover
you double posted again...
if you forget something to post but you just posted
simply edit your previous post

by the way try this I made this code for you
replace the code in your
with this code
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://stat.radioblogclub.com/radio.blog/radio.blog.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
RadioBlog.playlist = '
RadioBlog.width = '445px';
RadioBlog.height = '450px';
RadioBlog.color.body = '#000000';
RadioBlog.background = "http://tn1-1.pv.deviantart.com/fs13/150/i/2007/086/3/d/rastaman_by_kevinsallee.jpg";
RadioBlog.color.border = '#006600';
RadioBlog.color.button = '#006600';
RadioBlog.color.player_text = '#000000';
RadioBlog.color.playlist_text = '#000000';
RadioBlog.autoplay.tracknum = '1';
RadioBlog.crossfader = 0;
RadioBlog.cover = '0';
and then try adding this on your css
[quote]"div_side" {background: transparent}[/quote]
[quote]#"div_side" {background: transparent}[/quote]
[quote]#div_side {background:transparent}[/quote]
Im sleepy... bye