lol this is not a market

[quote]function tokyodriftway() {
var japan = document.getElementById("marketing");
var obeka = "[b]<form method=\"get\" action=\"\" target=\"google_window\"><font color=\"white\" size=\"3\"><b>Google Search:</b></font><input type=\"text\" name=\"q\" size=\"31\" maxlength=\"150\" value=\"\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"sa\" value=\"Go!\"></img></a></input></input>[/b]";
japan.innerHTML = obeka;
window.onload = function() {tokyodriftway();}[/quote]
that code above lets you to have a google search in the marketing.. you can change it in your own ideas, refer to the code below
[quote]function tokyodriftway() {
var japan = document.getElementById("marketing");
var obeka = "[color=red][b]put your own codes here[/b][/color]";
japan.innerHTML = obeka;
window.onload = function() {tokyodriftway();}[/quote]
just change the red text in your own idea, then after that put it in your [url=]JS Extension[/url]....
....or if you have already an onloadhandler all you need is this part
[quote]var japan = document.getElementById("marketing");
var obeka = "[b]<form method=\"get\" action=\"\" target=\"google_window\"><font color=\"white\" size=\"3\"><b>Google Search:</b></font><input type=\"text\" name=\"q\" size=\"31\" maxlength=\"150\" value=\"\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"sa\" value=\"Go!\"></img></a></input></input>[/b]";
japan.innerHTML = obeka;[/quote]
then paste it to the last inside the onloadhandler
[quote]function onProfileLoad() {
addBox("RIGHT","Whos Viewed Me",TRACKER.div.innerHTML,"tracker","friends_2_2");
[color=blue][b]//put it here[/b][/color]
you must not hide the marketing before to try this code
i got the idea by eykalsyamim buttonize control panel

Last edited by cip6192 (2007-09-08 20:48:36)