• » Hello people. [b]Welcome![/b] :) [quote]It is me again.... deys82 here...[/quote] [quote][b]Since I notice that the quality of the comment given have becoming worse and worser... [/b]I think it is ti

Pages: 12

Hello people. [b]Welcome![/b] :) [quote]It is me again.... deys82 here...[/quote] [quote][b]Since I notice that the quality of the comment given have becoming worse and worser... [/b]I think it is ti

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Hello people. [b]Welcome![/b] :) [quote]It is me again.... deys82 here...[/quote] [quote][b]Since I notice that the quality of the comment given have becoming worse and worser... [/b]I think it is ti

Hello people. [b]Welcome![/b] :) [quote]It is me again.... deys82 here...[/quote] [quote][b]Since I notice that the quality of the comment given have becoming worse and worser... [/b]I think it is time for us to clear up all of the basics in giving comments for your friends.... I hope all of the friendster user would at least know what to do after reading of what I am trying to project in here....[/quote] As far as I know... most of the people here usually just give comments without thinking the consequences or what it would be if he/she give the comment... what i mean is that if what ever you do... people will do it back to you... so.... since i have come up with many comments and so far is not that so good.... though i know it may not be your concern as long as you give the comment, right? wrong! why? it is because it does reflect of your personality and it shows to people of how your inner-self would really want to be... for this... as far as good comment concern... it is advisable to make know of inside this post.... Hopefully i got my support from the moderators here (again)... :D Ready? Let's begin... [hr] First of first... [quote]Wordings[/quote] This is the most required essence in giving comment, right? Well it does but sometimes there are lacks of communications in it... what i have come through lately is that sometimes though i don't know why... they just give a pic without saying anything.... you can see most of the people will become like that... not now... but in the long run... i know maybe some of you might get tired to reply to the comments or so... but at least say something... there are people said that it is ok but for me it is not.... it is because like you are talking to a wall of something... there are at some point where these people would just disappear like thin air... and when that time come... it may make us wonders.... usually the negative one like is she/he doesn't like me anymore or something like that... please... [b]do put something in word or say something[/b]... even like --> [b]:)[/b] <-- it is good enough i think.... well... that is what i think people should consider more and should not taken it lightly.... [hr] Next... [quote]Pictures[/quote] This is what people always give... it is good when it is good but [b]unfortunately[/b] there are times there are not at all... for instance... let me stress it a little bit.... [b]the size![/b] yes... the size... there are times when you people out there would simply put it in the comment... and you know what? it is [b]soooooo big[/b] that the scrollbars had to appear... i know your good deed but at least the good size that i would recommend is[b] 640px max width[/b]... you can always resize it using Microsoft Office Picture Manager, Paint, Adobe Photoshop and so on... remember people just accept it because they don't want to hurt you and waste your effort but since people also are humans.... there is always be possibility that they might reject or delete your given comment... so be very careful with it... we don't want our comment to be rejected or deleted, do we? it is because if it did happen like that it would give us the impression that our comment for him/her is not good enough to them... so... you know what to do now, right? good! keep focusing... one more thing is that please make sure the submitted picture [b]is not '[color=orange]bandwidth exceeded[/color]' or something[/b].... it would simply shows that you are [b]not concern[/b] with your pictures and it shows how bad your picture management is... usually to avoid this is [b]simply give one picture for only one person[/b]... why? it shows that the picture is meant to him/her only and it shows that you are concern to him/her... don't be so reserved... there are thousands or millions of quality pictures out there.... just you have to know where to get it only.... remember... designer love to give it freely to public and the resources would never ever limited.... so... go on... give only one to one person.... your attitude will reflects with it... and one more thing... try to avoid putting comment on the picture... it can damage the picture (you know what i mean)... do things separately usually might help... trust me... i know... because that is what i usually do.... :cool: [hr] Next... [quote]Videos / Musics[/quote] I see most of the people now really love this type in giving comment.... even me don't mind to accept it but seriously... if it has auto-play function or the player would simply auto-start without the viewer own will, then, it it really bad to put that kind of thing in their comment... just don't put it... otherwise if it is start to play only when it is clicked... then, it is ok.... not auto-play... usually when the profile owner is in bad mood or something... they would just simply delete it or reject it.... and then there's goes our effort into the drain... in short... just know what are you doing... [hr] Next... [quote]Anything flash based[/quote] Well... not much to tell here... just make sure it is treated like the videos/musics... remember... we want it to be good not wasted.... [hr] Next... [quote]Glitters / Rock-You / Animated graphics / Slides[/quote] No essence in giving comment if these cool one not in, right? it is the pleasure to give and take... just make sure it is not annoying to the receiver or the viewer... [hr] Next... [quote]Asking for a return?[/quote] Well... this is what most of the people do... when they give something, they expect for a return... shouldn't done that... it will show to people that you are not sincere with your comments... and sometimes people treated it like you are a greedy person or something... for me, i don't quite bother with it... but how bout for others? it seems that you want to force them to give you something in return and fast... remember... if you are really a friend... show to them that you are their friend... [b]a friend in need is a friend indeed.[/b]... :) make sure you are not faking to be their friend or it will hurt you more than ever when someone who you think good to you are actually not that good... even worst... pretended to be your best friend... think of it clearly... if you do want them to leave you comments... you can say like '[b]feel free to leave me comments whenever you can[/b]' or something like that... :thumbsup: but i still not recommend it... just let them leave you comments on their will... it would be much better like that... honesty is the best policy and have some patience, k? :cool: [hr] Next... [quote]Individually Unique / Customized[/quote] As it suggest as above.... yes... what ever you want to give comment... hopefully you can make it unique for each individual... this is the most good that you can best bet that your comment is genuine and have a personality in it... when you want to send comment, it is a good practice to determine which one is which for the person that you want to give comment... let say for this person based on your judgment... this one is more suitable and for that person you think that one is more suitable for the person... vise-versa... in short... you think first of what to give based on the appearance of the profile... do some thinking and judgment first... and yes... i always do like that... [hr] Last but not least... [quote]Test before submitting[/quote] Yes... you heard me right... how to test you might ask? just try to post it in your comment and see the result... if it is ok and is what you are expected and at least some of the criteria is like what i said earlier... then, please be my guest... [hr] Well... that is it for now... hopefully it clears up a little thing and have some guides in giving comments... remember... what ever you do... it reflects and shows your attitude, believes, respects and concerns.... we want quality here... not quantity... if you can concern with your profile... then you should concern your given comments also... give comment with your heart and thought... we are human with emotions and feelings, not just a plain and dull robots.... so you know what to do now right? good! :thumbsup: alright people.... take care.... peace... :cool: p/s: I will edit if i got some time and when i got some more guides here... p/s2: For edits in here please follow the style that i make because i want it to be neat and nice so that people can see what they should see and what they should know... thanks... :D

Last edited by deys82 (2009-04-19 00:20:29)

» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hello people. [b]Welcome![/b] :) [quote]It is me again.... deys82 here...[/quote] [quote][b]Since I notice that the quality of the comment given have becoming worse and worser... [/b]I think it is ti

[b]Love the read! Hopefully, everybody reads it![/b]
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hello people. [b]Welcome![/b] :) [quote]It is me again.... deys82 here...[/quote] [quote][b]Since I notice that the quality of the comment given have becoming worse and worser... [/b]I think it is ti

@dr.love [quote][b]Love the read! Hopefully, everybody reads it![/b][/quote] Yes... i agree... it is important so that everyone now knows what to do.... no more mist in the air :thumbsup:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hello people. [b]Welcome![/b] :) [quote]It is me again.... deys82 here...[/quote] [quote][b]Since I notice that the quality of the comment given have becoming worse and worser... [/b]I think it is ti

yeah this one has a guts, this is really a good thought's of giving comments, giving comments is like expressing the person's thoughts about the person, giving also comments its also like a chat box that you can send messeges on it, you can even have a game in your own testimonial box! great! isn't it? instead of giving comment with just a graphics. nice thought's :) :thumbsup:
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hello people. [b]Welcome![/b] :) [quote]It is me again.... deys82 here...[/quote] [quote][b]Since I notice that the quality of the comment given have becoming worse and worser... [/b]I think it is ti

nice tots bro thanks for posting, hope that everybody will read this ^^
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hello people. [b]Welcome![/b] :) [quote]It is me again.... deys82 here...[/quote] [quote][b]Since I notice that the quality of the comment given have becoming worse and worser... [/b]I think it is ti

Before, I loved it when comments were called [b]testimonials[/b]. :) I like it that people actually take the time to talk about what they think of you. It was actually the first thing I liked about Friendster when I joined in 2003. Then it became to be called [b]comments[/b]. As we all know comments may mean short words or long ones. For some reason, all of a sudden the THEN testimonials box became the MESSAGE box. And we converse and give short or long comments through it. But I'm okay with it, I learned to live with that and used it like that myself. But I particularly don't like image/glitter comments that has the images alone. I like it that people will take the time to write something along with it. [i]And please please please.. don't send me music or videos. Especially if they autoplay, cos it messes with the music I have. Or flash stuff that has sound/music, it really is annoying.[/i] [b]And I get offended when someone writes you a comment.. AND THEN.. Asks you to write them a comment in return.[/b] :doubt:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hello people. [b]Welcome![/b] :) [quote]It is me again.... deys82 here...[/quote] [quote][b]Since I notice that the quality of the comment given have becoming worse and worser... [/b]I think it is ti

@deys82 ur a teacher bro.!! hehe! kepp it up! :thumbsup:
» FTalkManiac
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hello people. [b]Welcome![/b] :) [quote]It is me again.... deys82 here...[/quote] [quote][b]Since I notice that the quality of the comment given have becoming worse and worser... [/b]I think it is ti

nice one! keep it up! Nice explanations for giving a quality comment. It really counts! ;) :thumbsup:
» FTalkElite
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hello people. [b]Welcome![/b] :) [quote]It is me again.... deys82 here...[/quote] [quote][b]Since I notice that the quality of the comment given have becoming worse and worser... [/b]I think it is ti

I kinda dislike picture commenting alone. I prefer a real greeting. not flashy but it's worth than a 1000 words :lol: I usually give image comments with my own regards in special occasions, like b-days etc... =)
» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hello people. [b]Welcome![/b] :) [quote]It is me again.... deys82 here...[/quote] [quote][b]Since I notice that the quality of the comment given have becoming worse and worser... [/b]I think it is ti

Me I accept everything except auto play videos and music :P
» FTalkAddict
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hello people. [b]Welcome![/b] :) [quote]It is me again.... deys82 here...[/quote] [quote][b]Since I notice that the quality of the comment given have becoming worse and worser... [/b]I think it is ti

Yup gotta agree the merging of comment and testimonial has ruined it all now people won't know what you are to others bcoz the great testy are covered with spammy comments already. Yup those music comments too can mess up your profile and those big pics that exceed and bandwidth limit as well. I received a lot of image comments from friends as well that really sometimes doesn't mean a thing they even messed up by posting the url of the image instead of the code. I usually delete those kind of comments.
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hello people. [b]Welcome![/b] :) [quote]It is me again.... deys82 here...[/quote] [quote][b]Since I notice that the quality of the comment given have becoming worse and worser... [/b]I think it is ti

wakaka...thank you..
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hello people. [b]Welcome![/b] :) [quote]It is me again.... deys82 here...[/quote] [quote][b]Since I notice that the quality of the comment given have becoming worse and worser... [/b]I think it is ti

i always give comments for those people who invited me to add them. Just a simple thank you. for those peole who are very close to me, a nice comment. you see, a testimonial is a fun way to [i][b]say something about a friend[/b][/i]. to write a good testimonial, make it short and fun and do not include personal information about you or the person you are writing about. the same is true when your friends write ones for you a real worth comments would definitely be fine =)

Last edited by guyguy (2007-09-15 21:20:43)

» FTalkAgent
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hello people. [b]Welcome![/b] :) [quote]It is me again.... deys82 here...[/quote] [quote][b]Since I notice that the quality of the comment given have becoming worse and worser... [/b]I think it is ti

I also accept bogus testi/comment hehehe =) [b]It's better than nothing[/b] :D
» SuperFTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hello people. [b]Welcome![/b] :) [quote]It is me again.... deys82 here...[/quote] [quote][b]Since I notice that the quality of the comment given have becoming worse and worser... [/b]I think it is ti

Spam Deleted. Please Avoid Spamming! :drool:
» FTalkGeek
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hello people. [b]Welcome![/b] :) [quote]It is me again.... deys82 here...[/quote] [quote][b]Since I notice that the quality of the comment given have becoming worse and worser... [/b]I think it is ti

[b]you are the most explained and organised person i know![/b] geez.. can u get more organised than this? lol kidding. nice post! :thumbsup:
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hello people. [b]Welcome![/b] :) [quote]It is me again.... deys82 here...[/quote] [quote][b]Since I notice that the quality of the comment given have becoming worse and worser... [/b]I think it is ti

hmmm, I hate people giving pictures saying "thanks for the add" hayy,, for me it's nonsense, haha =|
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hello people. [b]Welcome![/b] :) [quote]It is me again.... deys82 here...[/quote] [quote][b]Since I notice that the quality of the comment given have becoming worse and worser... [/b]I think it is ti

you right!! that's good you know.. nice topic!! =) =)
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hello people. [b]Welcome![/b] :) [quote]It is me again.... deys82 here...[/quote] [quote][b]Since I notice that the quality of the comment given have becoming worse and worser... [/b]I think it is ti

i like comments that make sense. not those copy paste thingy.. lols ;)
~:+' eL '+:~
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: Hello people. [b]Welcome![/b] :) [quote]It is me again.... deys82 here...[/quote] [quote][b]Since I notice that the quality of the comment given have becoming worse and worser... [/b]I think it is ti

Nc Thread You Had :D :thumbsup:
  • » Hello people. [b]Welcome![/b] :) [quote]It is me again.... deys82 here...[/quote] [quote][b]Since I notice that the quality of the comment given have becoming worse and worser... [/b]I think it is ti

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