[quote=Padme]Hey Xian..
That's a cool link. Thanks for sharing that!
Below are some URLs where you can also get Mp3s.
I posted this on the [url=http://theftalk.com/p19310-Yesterday-11%3A27%3A01.html]Tech Corner[/url].

[b]Asian OSTs[/b]
You can find complete soundtrack of your favorite Asian movies and series here.
Link: [url=http://asianosts.cjb.net/index.php?act=idx]http://asianosts.cjb.net/index.php?act=idx[/url]

[b]MP3 Baidu[/b]
All the music you find, get it from China's No1 search engine.
Link: [url=http://mp3.baidu.com]http://mp3.baidu.com[/url]

[b]K-POP Music[/b]
K-pop galore, from music to videos.
Link: [url=http://www.kpopmusic.co.uk]http://www.kpopmusic.co.uk[/url]

[b]J-POP Suki[/b]
J-pop galore, from music to videos.
Link: [url=http://www.jpopsuki.com]http://www.jpopsuki.com[/url]

Cool site for music and video downloads!
Link: [url=http://www.nanokiero.com]http://www.nanokiero.com[/url]

[b]Music Fever[/b]
Download FULL albums of you favorite American, English, Chinese and Japanese artists.
Link: [url=http://www.musicfever.org]http://www.musicfever.org[/url][/quote]
wow... thanks 4 sharing
