» [b]Preview:[/b]
[b]Step 1:[/b] Go to [url=http://www.slide.com]www.slide.com[/url] and make a vertical slide.
The slide in the
[b]Step 1:[/b] Go to [url=http://www.slide.com]www.slide.com[/url] and make a vertical slide.
The slide in the
Re: [b]Preview:[/b]
[b]Step 1:[/b] Go to [url=http://www.slide.com]www.slide.com[/url] and make a vertical slide.
The slide in the
[b]@~Avant~ a.k.a. Gothic Nedd[/b]
I know Nedd You said that last week in post [b]#37[/b]
Good luck w/ that, and let me know if there's a problem
Re: [b]Preview:[/b]
[b]Step 1:[/b] Go to [url=http://www.slide.com]www.slide.com[/url] and make a vertical slide.
The slide in the
if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function(){vslide()})) window.onload = function(){vslide()};
function vslide(){
var shakiro="<br><div><embed src=\"http://widget-53.slide.com/widgets/slideticker.swf\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" quality=\"high\" scale=\"noscale\" salign=\"l\" wmode=\"transparent\" flashvars=\"cy=fr&il=1&channel=576460752318194515&site=widget-53.slide.com\" width=\"285\" height=\"600\" name=\"flashticker\" align=\"middle\"/><div style=\"width:285px;text-align:left;\"><a href=\"http://www.slide.com/pivot?cy=fr&ad=0&id=576460752318194515&map=1\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"http://widget-53.slide.com/p1/576460752318194515/fr_t000_v000_a000_f00/images/xslide1.gif\" border=\"0\" ismap=\"ismap\" /></a> <a href=\"http://www.slide.com/pivot?cy=fr&ad=0&id=576460752318194515&map=2\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"http://widget-53.slide.com/p2/576460752318194515/fr_t000_v000_a000_f00/images/xslide2.gif\" border=\"0\" ismap=\"ismap\" /></a></div></div><div style=\"width:100%;text-align:center;\">| <a href=\"http://www.friendster.com/friends/19044369
\" target=\"_blank\"><b>*View My Friends*</a> |</div>";
document.getElementById('content_friends_2_2').innerHTML = "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>"+shakiro+"</td></tr></table>";
here it is...i already added the \ before the " marks in the slide show code still it doesnt work...if the code is ok maybe the prob is in my page you can check it if you want to www.friendster.com/xxrapxx
Re: [b]Preview:[/b]
[b]Step 1:[/b] Go to [url=http://www.slide.com]www.slide.com[/url] and make a vertical slide.
The slide in the
I just now noticed your reply. Urm, I broke down your code a bit and removed the 2 slide image buttons below the slide. They're not nice to look at. And I removed the division around embed. I think it's not really neccessary.
I'm still not quite sure if this is what was wrong, but I noticed a [b]space[/b] & [b]return[/b] right after where you inserted your userid. The kind of return you get by hitting enter while typing a document. Sometimes un-noticeable spaces can break the flows of javascript.
I'll have to test this in the morning becoz I'll be asleep for the next couple of hours but you can try this code out for yourself and see if it'll work:
[quote]if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function(){vslide()})) window.onload = function(){vslide()};
function vslide(){
var shakiro="<br><embed src=\"http://widget-53.slide.com/widgets/slideticker.swf\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" quality=\"high\" scale=\"noscale\" salign=\"l\" wmode=\"transparent\" flashvars=\"cy=fr&il=1&channel=576460752318194515&site=widget-53.slide.com\" width=\"285\" height=\"600\" name=\"flashticker\" align=\"middle\"/><div style=\"width:100%;text-align:center;\">| <a href=\"http://www.friendster.com/friends/19044369\" target=\"_blank\"><b>*View My Friends*</a> |</div>";
document.getElementById('content_friends_2_2').innerHTML = "<table width='100%'><tr><td align='center'>"+shakiro+"</td></tr></table>";
Re: [b]Preview:[/b]
[b]Step 1:[/b] Go to [url=http://www.slide.com]www.slide.com[/url] and make a vertical slide.
The slide in the
[b]Hiya shakiro thanks for the help tried the code and the slideshow showed up in my page...but instead of showing my friends the slide show displays the picture i uploaded at the site from which i created my slideshow[/b]
Re: [b]Preview:[/b]
[b]Step 1:[/b] Go to [url=http://www.slide.com]www.slide.com[/url] and make a vertical slide.
The slide in the
yeah, you're supposed to edit the photos that slide will display at slide.com, so that it won't just show the 1 photo. At least it works so just go to slide.com, login, and upload more photos into your slide
Re: [b]Preview:[/b]
[b]Step 1:[/b] Go to [url=http://www.slide.com]www.slide.com[/url] and make a vertical slide.
The slide in the
yeah, you're supposed to edit the photos that slide will display at slide.com, so that it won't just show the 1 photo. At least it works so just go to slide.com, login, and upload more photos into your slide [/quote]
right!!!! thanks dude i appreciate your help!!!!
stay cool and keep rockin'
Re: [b]Preview:[/b]
[b]Step 1:[/b] Go to [url=http://www.slide.com]www.slide.com[/url] and make a vertical slide.
The slide in the
Re: [b]Preview:[/b]
[b]Step 1:[/b] Go to [url=http://www.slide.com]www.slide.com[/url] and make a vertical slide.
The slide in the
Re: [b]Preview:[/b]
[b]Step 1:[/b] Go to [url=http://www.slide.com]www.slide.com[/url] and make a vertical slide.
The slide in the
Re: [b]Preview:[/b]
[b]Step 1:[/b] Go to [url=http://www.slide.com]www.slide.com[/url] and make a vertical slide.
The slide in the
Re: [b]Preview:[/b]
[b]Step 1:[/b] Go to [url=http://www.slide.com]www.slide.com[/url] and make a vertical slide.
The slide in the
if you have wvm, put it on your tracker.js, below onload handler.
Re: [b]Preview:[/b]
[b]Step 1:[/b] Go to [url=http://www.slide.com]www.slide.com[/url] and make a vertical slide.
The slide in the
waah! i dont get it.. can u explain more clearly..?
Re: [b]Preview:[/b]
[b]Step 1:[/b] Go to [url=http://www.slide.com]www.slide.com[/url] and make a vertical slide.
The slide in the
do you have a wvm a.k.a. visitor tracker?
if you dont have that, save the code at ripway, then get the url, and insert it at a [b]JS LINKER[/b]
Re: [b]Preview:[/b]
[b]Step 1:[/b] Go to [url=http://www.slide.com]www.slide.com[/url] and make a vertical slide.
The slide in the
i dont have wvm... so ill get the code of wvm and save it as .js
Re: [b]Preview:[/b]
[b]Step 1:[/b] Go to [url=http://www.slide.com]www.slide.com[/url] and make a vertical slide.
The slide in the
its not working on mine guiz. here's my code....--->
Re: [b]Preview:[/b]
[b]Step 1:[/b] Go to [url=http://www.slide.com]www.slide.com[/url] and make a vertical slide.
The slide in the
Re: [b]Preview:[/b]
[b]Step 1:[/b] Go to [url=http://www.slide.com]www.slide.com[/url] and make a vertical slide.
The slide in the
sir john.
i already saved ur code as .js but still dont work.
i also inserted it to a js linker.
Re: [b]Preview:[/b]
[b]Step 1:[/b] Go to [url=http://www.slide.com]www.slide.com[/url] and make a vertical slide.
The slide in the
Re: [b]Preview:[/b]
[b]Step 1:[/b] Go to [url=http://www.slide.com]www.slide.com[/url] and make a vertical slide.
The slide in the
[quote=xOLracnhOjx]sir john.
i already saved ur code as .js but still dont work.
i also inserted it to a js linker.
hey boy
try this complete code
Re: [b]Preview:[/b]
[b]Step 1:[/b] Go to [url=http://www.slide.com]www.slide.com[/url] and make a vertical slide.
The slide in the
still not working sir john. T____T
i use FF. only my photo gallery is working.
» [b]Preview:[/b]
[b]Step 1:[/b] Go to [url=http://www.slide.com]www.slide.com[/url] and make a vertical slide.
The slide in the