I get my fonts at


it has many categories to choose from..
From the Brandnames, Foreign fonts, cute and fancy, Hard to Read, Gothic..etc etc..
its easy to [b]download[/b], just click on the zip file thats compatible with ur pc..
there are 2 zip files there:
• WinTruetype
• Mactype (i think?!)
just click the link so u can the download the compressed file!
[b]extract it [/b](You need a winrar software for you to extract this files..just searc it at yahoo..), just right click it or u can also double click it then click either extract files, extract to, or extract here..
open your control panel> fonts
copy the font this is what it looks like!
paste it in the fonts folder inside the control panel to [b]install it.[/b]

and 1001fonts.com is FREE!!!

you can also find some font downloading sites there..just scroll down you can see both the Pay fonts and the Free fonts..
Just sharin mine!
Last edited by --pUshnIt08-- (2007-10-28 04:56:49)