[b]Here's mine.
^Grade Six Class. I'm the one who took teh pic.

^Teh boy is one of the MVP's of our Sportsfest.

[Russel] And beside the boy [Nhesmin] I think Bronze Medalist in Badminton. Beside her is Bianca.. Gold in Chess. And Stupidly. Beside Bianca. Matea. Gold in Word Hunt. Bwahaha.[/spoiler]

^Teh people who had medals. Harhar.[/spoiler]
^Maureen ~~~ Bubblied Face.

^I dun know who is this. But i think she is the girl who won 2nd place in the Popularity Contest.[/spoiler]
^Our Academic Leader. I Mean Class President.[/spoiler]
^Classmates! Some~~~[/spoiler]
^Baboy. Oink Oink. Nyhha. Christian.

^Russel. Bestfriend.Nyahha. One of the MVP's during our Sportsfest.[/spoiler]
^Vendors. Hehe. Joke. They are the candidates for the Poplularity. I should be the girl counting the money. But SHE. tooked my place. That's why i hate her.[/spoiler]
^Lols. Renzo. Campus hottie.

^Lols'. Loveletters that I had recieved just one day.


Still in Gr. 5[/spoiler]
^Paratokmols. Gr.6 Grouupie. haha.[/spoiler]
That's All.[/b]