Re: what are the best things to be given as gifts?
what are the best things to be received as gifts?
[b]^^ wooxoo thats very sweet of u, u kinda sound like my ex bf,.hehe..
buh fo me, i love recieving chocolates && flowers.hehe..its really sweet, cuz i think now a days it is really rare to recieve one,ryt?..
&& for me, i like giving personal made stuff,like letters && those kinda stuff, that i personally made..&& i do love giving surprises![/b]
Re: what are the best things to be given as gifts?
what are the best things to be received as gifts?
[quote=-wOoxOo-]The best thing i gave is hugs and kisses,, LMAO it depends though,, but love is all that matters[/quote]
hehe i totally agree with that
it makes me safe
just a smile
is already enough for
cause juzt by seeing him smile
makes me melt
Re: what are the best things to be given as gifts?
what are the best things to be received as gifts?
[b]love[/b] of course, ehe
when comes to material stuff,,
gurl to gurl bag
boi to gurl necklace with cute pendant
gurl to boi dunno, just treat them for ice cream or something,,
boi to boi wat do i care?? haha, joke
Re: what are the best things to be given as gifts?
what are the best things to be received as gifts?
[i]what are the best things to be given as gifts?[/i]
a special necklace for her...
[i]what are the best things to be received as gifts?[/i]