Shorter Code
No border
Loads faster than MP3 (Imeem etc.)
Compatible to all browsers (IE,Firefox,Netscape)
[quote]if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function(){diabolic()})) window.onload = function(){onod()};
function diabolic() {
var thesidebar="<embed title="null" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://stat.radioblogclub.com/radio.blog//skins/default/player.swf" allowscriptaccess="always" bgcolor="#ECECEC" id="radioblog_player_1" flashvars="id=1&status=maximize&playlistPath=[b]"PLAYLISTPATH URL"[/b].xml&&title=[b]Artist[/b] - [b]Title[/b]&cover=1&shuffle=0&replay=0&crossfader=0& colors=body:#ECECEC; border:#BBBBBB; button:#999999; player_text:#666666; playlist_text:#666666; new_tracks:#000000;" height='300px' width='200px'></embed>";
addSideBar("MY MUSIC",thesidebar,"div_side");
function addSideBar(head,htm,div_id) {
var innerHtm=htm;
var cont= "<div id='"+div_id+"' class='commonbox "+div_id+"'>"+
"<div id='content_"+div_id+"'>"+
try {
var obj=document.createElement("<li>");
} catch(e) {
var obj=document.createElement("li");
var x=document.getElementById("friends_2_2");
[quote][b]NOTE:[/b] Put the title and Artist Name of the song you want to AUTOPLAY
The name and title of the song should be exactly the same as seen on the playlist[/quote]
[b]TUTORIAL on creating and finding the PLAYLISTPATH URL.[/b]
First you need an account in
http://radioblogclub.com logged in
then simply find a song that you want then click the heart shape icon on the song title
and click add to favorites
When you think you've chosen a lot of songs
Go to favorites its on the top right of the page
Click the [b]Detach button[/b] on your playlist
after clicking detach your playlist will pop-up in a new window
view the source of your playlist by pressing [b]CTRL + U[/b] when using firefox or right the areas that I've painted and click view page source
then look for the [b]Playlistpath URL[/b]
the code should look like this
copy the URL starting from http up to id=??????
then open your notepad and paste this code
just edit the Playlistpath URL to the URL you got from the source
Last edited by diabolicious (2007-09-23 07:40:48)