Original Title: [i]About The Friendster Layout Contributors/ions[/i]
Just a suggestion. :idea:
These layout contributors would have their own thread and there they put all the [b]compilations of their contributions[/b]. So that each section ([url=http://theftalk.com/f21-Friendster-Layouts-%5BCSS%5D.html][b]Friendster Layouts (CSS)[/b][/url] and [url=http://theftalk.com/f42-Friendster-Layouts-%5BOverlay%5D.html][b]Friendster Layouts (Overlay)[/b][/url]) wouldn't appear too crowded and disorganized.
[i]EDIT[/i] (additional):
[b]i didn't mean another section will be created. just a single thread for a single contributor (of course) with at least 5 layouts each.
[i]E.g. [/i]
I. [b][url]Friendster Layouts CSS[/url][/b] ([i]as a section[/i])
a. [url]meng.o3[/url] ([i]as a thread[/i]) >> contains 100 css layouts
b. [url]Lois[/url] ([i]as a thread[/i]) >> has 1 million layouts
c.[url]`mizeL[/url] ([i]as a thread[/i]) >> contains 5 layouts
.. and so on.
II. [b][url]Friendster Layouts overlay[/url][/b] ([i]as a section[/i])
a. [url]xavierkym[/url] ([i]as a thread[/i]) >> contains 20 overlay layouts
b. [url]eehjhay[/url] ([i]as a thread[/i]) >> contains 21
c. [url]meng.o3[/url] ([i]as a thread[/i]) >> contains 50
..and so on.
[b]And please, don't be so harsh in responding to my suggestion. [/b]
:globe: peace. no to :globe: [s]war[/s].
Last edited by forsakendoll (2009-12-02 12:33:55)