[quote=asn585][color=blue]Try to modify something inside of the codes. [/color]
[quote]var kitkat= "<div align='center' id='ypg'><input type='button' value='Home' style='background-color:transparent;border:none;font-family:tahoma;font-weight:bold;font-size:10;color:#ffffff;' onClick=\"top.location.href='[color=red]/index.php[/color]'\">[/quote]
HOME = [quote]'[color=red]
This is a home target location from the given code to get a proper equivalent of HOME button. Change the red one into the RED given .....[color=blue]' Keep the apostrophe symbol at both sides of the given code from the given examples above to make it work properly '[/color]

[color=red]' '[/color]
It will be a BIG help !!!........
Thanks for sharing, I only modified this code : :midfinger:
Try this modification at my page :

It is very useful ideas to any type of codes modification....... See you !!!..........
http://profiles.friendster.com/ CONVERTED to :
[color=blue]Also in Log-out button Value :[/color] Ready to use sample : It will serve as pattern from the given code above. The code below is ready to use with approppriate Equivalent button for Log-out command !...
[quote]<input type='button' value='Log Out' style='background-color:transparent;border:none;font-family:tahoma;font-weight:bold;font-size:10;color:#ffffff;' onClick=\"top.location.href='[color=red]
Credit goes to : Owner of the code from first page.....
I only Edited it and shared it to YOU : Ciao !

i used it in my own made navigation...
i'm having problem coz it redirects to..
w/c shud be..