• » nah.. d snii temen2 skalian bisa nanya mengenai problem2 FS.. [jangan problem cinta.. itu mah lain. . :P hwehwehwehwe].. ya? byr ga ad SPAMMER d section Indo..hewhehwe.. :eh: peace and love,.. :

nah.. d snii temen2 skalian bisa nanya mengenai problem2 FS.. [jangan problem cinta.. itu mah lain. . :P hwehwehwehwe].. ya? byr ga ad SPAMMER d section Indo..hewhehwe.. :eh: peace and love,.. :

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: nah.. d snii temen2 skalian bisa nanya mengenai problem2 FS.. [jangan problem cinta.. itu mah lain. . :P hwehwehwehwe].. ya? byr ga ad SPAMMER d section Indo..hewhehwe.. :eh: peace and love,.. :

tengs bro gembel ! tolong bantuannya yah ! :D
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: nah.. d snii temen2 skalian bisa nanya mengenai problem2 FS.. [jangan problem cinta.. itu mah lain. . :P hwehwehwehwe].. ya? byr ga ad SPAMMER d section Indo..hewhehwe.. :eh: peace and love,.. :

bang kanal... code buat bikin mp3 flas player apa si?? :D :D :D thx sebelumnya bang.. =)
» Banned
FTalk Level: zero

Re: nah.. d snii temen2 skalian bisa nanya mengenai problem2 FS.. [jangan problem cinta.. itu mah lain. . :P hwehwehwehwe].. ya? byr ga ad SPAMMER d section Indo..hewhehwe.. :eh: peace and love,.. :

[quote=gembel]^cintakuw hahakz ok deh ane meluncur .. ma`acii cinta :wow: :lol: :lol: :lol: ^issota_yeuh ok aq chek dolo iia bdw namana capa nii :eh: tambahan**: bang iank nii kn <">aq maw tanya nii [b]url js no right click cbox [/b] :question: apaan iia bang ane englisna bad nii :([/quote] Itu artinya bro Gembel harus buat script No Right Click CBOX tersendiri (di luar JS utama). Nah baru deh nanti masukkan ke JS utamanya pakai script JS injection seperti diatas. Kan yg diperlukan hanya URL dari JS No Right Click CBOX nya :) :arrow: [b]Pro : Teno[/b] Coba lihat disini Bro Teno :arrow: http://theftalk.com/t3731-Make-Flash-Player.html
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: nah.. d snii temen2 skalian bisa nanya mengenai problem2 FS.. [jangan problem cinta.. itu mah lain. . :P hwehwehwehwe].. ya? byr ga ad SPAMMER d section Indo..hewhehwe.. :eh: peace and love,.. :

makasih banayk bng kanal.. :penguin: :penguin: :penguin: ngibriiittt.....mau bikin mp3 :penguin: :penguin: :penguin:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: nah.. d snii temen2 skalian bisa nanya mengenai problem2 FS.. [jangan problem cinta.. itu mah lain. . :P hwehwehwehwe].. ya? byr ga ad SPAMMER d section Indo..hewhehwe.. :eh: peace and love,.. :

[quote=☻KaNaLiTnUk☻]Itu artinya bro Gembel harus buat script No Right Click CBOX tersendiri (di luar JS utama). Nah baru deh nanti masukkan ke JS utamanya pakai script JS injection seperti diatas. Kan yg diperlukan hanya URL dari JS No Right Click CBOX nya :)[/quote] [b]buat script No Right Click CBOX tersendiri (di luar JS utama).[/b] :question: maksudna gmna bang scriptna mana ??? apa script itu iank bang kanal kacii tadi :question: :question: binun euy hehehe mohon pencerahanx bang :( ^bro issota_yeuh mu`up bro tadi aq ngerestart hahakkz leh liad code km lagi gaga ghahaha mu`up deh :D
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: nah.. d snii temen2 skalian bisa nanya mengenai problem2 FS.. [jangan problem cinta.. itu mah lain. . :P hwehwehwehwe].. ya? byr ga ad SPAMMER d section Indo..hewhehwe.. :eh: peace and love,.. :

[quote=gembel][quote=☻KaNaLiTnUk☻]Itu artinya bro Gembel harus buat script No Right Click CBOX tersendiri (di luar JS utama). Nah baru deh nanti masukkan ke JS utamanya pakai script JS injection seperti diatas. Kan yg diperlukan hanya URL dari JS No Right Click CBOX nya :)[/quote] [b]buat script No Right Click CBOX tersendiri (di luar JS utama).[/b] :question: maksudna gmna bang scriptna mana ??? apa script itu iank bang kanal kacii tadi :question: :question: binun euy hehehe mohon pencerahanx bang :( ^bro issota_yeuh mu`up bro tadi aq ngerestart hahakkz leh liad code km lagi gaga ghahaha mu`up deh :D[/quote] Hue, maksudnya di bikin JS injection lho bro Jimmy, Di bikin JS baru, terus di linker deh pake JS injection. OK, saya jelaskan yah bro Jimmy , 1. Login ripway , pilih My Files 2. Create a text File 3. Masukkan script No Right Click (CBOX) nya 4. Setelah itu bro akan dapat url Example :thumbsdown: [quote]h1.ripway.com/jimmy/adadeh.js[/quote] Nah , sekarang tinggal dilinker dengan JS utama bro . pake saja code ini :arrow: [quote]// JS INJECTION var myjs = document.createElement("script"); myjs.type = "text/javascript"; myjs.src = "[b]URL JS BRO JIMMY[/b]"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(myjs);[/quote] Masukkan Codenya di paling atas (di atas onload handler) Selamat Mencoba :)
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: nah.. d snii temen2 skalian bisa nanya mengenai problem2 FS.. [jangan problem cinta.. itu mah lain. . :P hwehwehwehwe].. ya? byr ga ad SPAMMER d section Indo..hewhehwe.. :eh: peace and love,.. :

iia ane dh taw iank ntu nah misal iia ... seperti iank edo katakan bwad file baru di ripway nah isina itu apa iia hehehe iank perlu ntu isina .. hehehhee mu`up gi lola nii :lol:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: nah.. d snii temen2 skalian bisa nanya mengenai problem2 FS.. [jangan problem cinta.. itu mah lain. . :P hwehwehwehwe].. ya? byr ga ad SPAMMER d section Indo..hewhehwe.. :eh: peace and love,.. :

[quote=gembel]iia ane dh taw iank ntu nah misal iia ... seperti iank edo katakan bwad file baru di ripway nah isina itu apa iia hehehe iank perlu ntu isina .. hehehhee mu`up gi lola nii :lol:[/quote] Isinya yah script No Right Click (CBOX) nya dong bro Jimmy . Kalo bro belum tau scriptnya, ini dia scriptnya :arrow: [quote]if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function() { wRClicked();})) window.onload = function() { wRClicked();}; function wRClicked() { /*if(pageViewerID == pageOwnerID)*/ WHORC.init(); } if (typeof WHORC == "undefined") { WHORC = {}; } WHORC = { rccboxform: [], message: "[b]MESSAGE[/b]", base: { "whorcCbox": ["[b]www[/b]","[b]boxID[/b]","[b]boxtag[/b]"] }, init: function() { for (val in this.base) { this.rccboxform = "<iframe frameborder=\"0\" width=\"100%\" height=\"150\" src=\"http://"+this.base[val][0]+".cbox.ws/box/?boxid="+this.base[val][1]+"&boxtag="+this.base[val][2]+"&sec=main\" marginheight=\"2\" marginwidth=\"2\" scrolling=\"auto\" allowtransparency=\"yes\" name=\"rcPost\" id=\"rcPost\">"+ "</iframe>"+ "<br />"+ "<div style=\"display:none\">"+ "<form name=\"whoClick\" target=\"rcPost\" action=\"http://"+this.base[val][0]+".cbox.ws/box/?boxid="+this.base[val][1]+"&boxtag="+this.base[val][2]+"&sec=submit\" method=\"post\">"+ "<input type=\"text\" name=\"nme\" value=\""+pageViewerFName+"\">"+ "<input type=\"text\" name=\"eml\" value=\"http://profiles.friendster.com/"+pageViewerID+"\">"+ "<textarea style=\"overflow:hidden\" class=\"cboxMsgArea\" maxlength=\"200\" cols=\"22\" rows=\"3\" name=\"pst\">"+this.message+"</textarea>"+ "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Post\" name=\"sub\">"+ "</form>"+ "</div>"; addNewBox.HTML("No Right Click","<div id=\""+val+"\" align=\"center\">"+this.rccboxform+"</div>","rccboxform",/friends/i,"below"); } if (document.layers) { document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); document.onmousedown = WHORC.NS4; } else if (document.all && !document.getElementById) { document.onmousedown = WHORC.IE4; } document.oncontextmenu = new Function("WHORC.whoRC();return false"); }, whoRC: function() { if((pageViewerID != pageOwnerID) && (pageViewerID != "")) { document.whoClick.submit(); } }, IE4: function() { if (event.button == 2) { this.whoRC(); return false; } }, NS4: function(e) { if (document.layers || document.getElementById && !document.all) { if (e.which == 2 || e.which == 3) { this.whoRC(); return false; } } } }; if (typeof addNewBox == "undefined") { addNewBox = {}; } addNewBox = { //addNewBox v2.2 /* header: HTML string name null - no header x: "above" - HTML string: at the above of sibling box "below" - HTML string: at the below of sibling box null - HTML string: at the very bottom of box sibling:- /controlpanel/i - /photos/i - /blogs/i - /reviews/i - /moreabout/i - /publiccomments/i - /scrapbook/i - /meettrail/i - /friends/i - /ads/i - /fanof/i - /groups/i */ li: [], ul: [], HTML: function(head,code,id,sibling,x) { this.li = document.createElement("LI"); if (!head) head = ""; else head = "<h2>"+head+"</h2>"; this.li.innerHTML = "<div class=\"commonbox "+id+"\" id=\""+id+"\">"+ head+ "<div id=\"content_"+id+"\">"+ code+ "</div>"+ "</div>"; if (!x) this.getModuleByClassName(sibling)[0].parentNode.parentNode.appendChild(this.li); else if (x == "below") this.getModuleByClassName(sibling)[0].parentNode.appendChild(this.li); else if (x == "above") { this.ul = this.getModuleByClassName(sibling)[0]; this.ul.parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore(this.li,this.ul.parentNode); } }, getModuleByClassName: function(sClass) { var elm = []; var els = document.getElementsByTagName("*") || document.all; for (var j=0,k=els.length;j<k;j++) { if (new RegExp(sClass).test(els[j].className))elm.push(els[j]); } return elm; } };[/quote] Kamu harus punya account di [url=http://cbox.ws]CBOX[/url] ya bro, kalo belum punya, Silakan daftar terlebih dahulu :) Selamat Mencoba :)
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: nah.. d snii temen2 skalian bisa nanya mengenai problem2 FS.. [jangan problem cinta.. itu mah lain. . :P hwehwehwehwe].. ya? byr ga ad SPAMMER d section Indo..hewhehwe.. :eh: peace and love,.. :

ohh itu tha hahahahakz ntu mah caia taw hwahahaha dasar dudul ane nii ;] acc di cbox ? ada kuk ok deh ma`acii dah bantu edo+bang kanal waid dolo tapi nii lom over hahakz thenk'z sebelumna :thumbsup:
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: nah.. d snii temen2 skalian bisa nanya mengenai problem2 FS.. [jangan problem cinta.. itu mah lain. . :P hwehwehwehwe].. ya? byr ga ad SPAMMER d section Indo..hewhehwe.. :eh: peace and love,.. :

[b]@ off[/b] Terima kasih kembali bro Jimmy :)
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: nah.. d snii temen2 skalian bisa nanya mengenai problem2 FS.. [jangan problem cinta.. itu mah lain. . :P hwehwehwehwe].. ya? byr ga ad SPAMMER d section Indo..hewhehwe.. :eh: peace and love,.. :

^edo nanya lagi hahakz emm about me di bikin ma comment di bikin marquee gmna ... :D trs vtu galery di taruh di sebelah kiri gmna .. di bawahna prend list ... and prend list aslikuw ntu di bwad 4 doank gmna .. ntu kaiana 6 deh bsa gag ? maklum nubie di sini .. :lol:

Last edited by gembel (2007-12-29 16:49:57)

» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: nah.. d snii temen2 skalian bisa nanya mengenai problem2 FS.. [jangan problem cinta.. itu mah lain. . :P hwehwehwehwe].. ya? byr ga ad SPAMMER d section Indo..hewhehwe.. :eh: peace and love,.. :

ini bang gembel http://h1.ripway.com/issotaprivate/part1edit.txt [b]tolong plis[/b] gakh ngertii mampus de. mentook !
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: nah.. d snii temen2 skalian bisa nanya mengenai problem2 FS.. [jangan problem cinta.. itu mah lain. . :P hwehwehwehwe].. ya? byr ga ad SPAMMER d section Indo..hewhehwe.. :eh: peace and love,.. :

^issota_yeuh haia .. codena brantakan .. fiuhh :wasted: gini deh coba km rapikan dolo scriptna kaiana amburadul deh bwad caia .. hahakz km pake tracker ?? :paranoid:
» n00b
FTalk Level: zero

Re: nah.. d snii temen2 skalian bisa nanya mengenai problem2 FS.. [jangan problem cinta.. itu mah lain. . :P hwehwehwehwe].. ya? byr ga ad SPAMMER d section Indo..hewhehwe.. :eh: peace and love,.. :

engga pake engga ngertii walaaa bang . aku gak ngertii wat ngerapihin skripnya itu sumpah binun . tulung dung bang .
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: nah.. d snii temen2 skalian bisa nanya mengenai problem2 FS.. [jangan problem cinta.. itu mah lain. . :P hwehwehwehwe].. ya? byr ga ad SPAMMER d section Indo..hewhehwe.. :eh: peace and love,.. :

:cry: :cry: broth n sist please help me again.. :cry: :cry: ini code mp3 flash player kan?? [quote]//flash mp3 var mp3 ="<div align='center'><embed allowScriptAccess=\"never\" src=\"[b]URL SWF KAMU[/b]\" menu=\"false\" quality=\"high\" width=\"265px\" height=\"270px\" name=\"index\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" pluginspage=\"http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer\" flashvars=\"playList=[b]URL XML KAMU[/b]\" wmode=\"transparent\"/></embed><br /><a href=\"http://www.myspaceprodesigns.com\"></a></div></div>"; addBox("RIGHT",pageOwnerFName+"'s Flash MP3",mp3,"music","7");[/quote] nah saia udah bikin flash player mp3 nya ini codenya. [quote]<center><embed src="http://www.mp3asset.com/swf/mp3/mp3player.swf" quality="high" wmode="transparent" flashvars="myid=7067691&path=2007/12/29&mycolor=0x000000&mycolor2=0x000000&mycolor3=0xFFFF00&autoplay=true&rand=0&f=3&vol=100" width="270" height="310" name="myflashfetish" align="middle"type="application/x-shockwave-flash" /><br><a href="http://www.myflashfetish.com/music-player/" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.myflashfetish.com/images/mffico.gif" title="Make your own playlist!" style="border-style:none;" alt="music player"></a><br />I made this <a href="http://www.myflashfetish.com/playlist/7067691" target="_blank">music player</a> at <a href="http://www.myflashfetish.com" target="_blank">MyFlashFetish</a>.com.<br></center><img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="http://counters.gigya.com/wildfire/CIMP/Jmx*PTExOTg5OTQwOTg*NjAmcHQ9MTE5ODk5NDExMDE2NyZwPTE4MDMxJmQ9Jm49.jpg" />[/quote] saia udah paste [b]URL SWF [/b]dan saia bingung [b]XML[/b] nya yang mana di code atas itu??mana yan harus saia copy. pas saia lihat hasilnya malah bukan playlist mp3 saia yang saia bikin .tapi melainkan playlist demo dari mp3 nya..please help me... dan ini code yang saia susun setelah copaste.. [quote]//flash mp3 var mp3 ="<div align='center'><embed allowScriptAccess=\"never\" src=\"[b]http://www.mp3asset.com/swf/mp3/mp3player.swf[/b]\" menu=\"false\" quality=\"high\" width=\"265px\" height=\"270px\" name=\"index\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" pluginspage=\"http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer\" flashvars=\"playList=[b]http://www.myflashfetish.com/playlist/7067691[/b]\" wmode=\"transparent\"/></embed><br /><a href=\"http://www.myspaceprodesigns.com\"></a></div></div>"; addBox("RIGHT",pageOwnerFName+"'s Flash MP3",mp3,"music","7");[/quote] tolong di periksa ya apakah ada yang salah dengan code saia? :) :) :) _______________________________________________________ [img]http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/2619/tenomf4.gif[/img]

Last edited by teno (2007-12-30 07:43:31)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: nah.. d snii temen2 skalian bisa nanya mengenai problem2 FS.. [jangan problem cinta.. itu mah lain. . :P hwehwehwehwe].. ya? byr ga ad SPAMMER d section Indo..hewhehwe.. :eh: peace and love,.. :

[b]@ teno[/b] coba kmu pake kode yg ini <">
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: nah.. d snii temen2 skalian bisa nanya mengenai problem2 FS.. [jangan problem cinta.. itu mah lain. . :P hwehwehwehwe].. ya? byr ga ad SPAMMER d section Indo..hewhehwe.. :eh: peace and love,.. :

[quote=andHa][b]@ teno[/b] coba kmu pake kode yg ini <">[/quote] broo...kok gag bisa??...knp ya?? fs saia malah standart ...kembali ke fs standart :cry: :cry: [url]http://h1.ripway.com/teno/teno%20depok/teno%20depok.txt[/url]

Last edited by teno (2007-12-30 08:26:30)

» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: nah.. d snii temen2 skalian bisa nanya mengenai problem2 FS.. [jangan problem cinta.. itu mah lain. . :P hwehwehwehwe].. ya? byr ga ad SPAMMER d section Indo..hewhehwe.. :eh: peace and love,.. :

^ uhm. barusan aq liad script kmu. kmu musti taro kode nya d dlm onloadhandler bro. buad script addbox.
» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero

Re: nah.. d snii temen2 skalian bisa nanya mengenai problem2 FS.. [jangan problem cinta.. itu mah lain. . :P hwehwehwehwe].. ya? byr ga ad SPAMMER d section Indo..hewhehwe.. :eh: peace and love,.. :

[quote=andHa]^ uhm. barusan aq liad script kmu. kmu musti taro kode nya d dlm onloadhandler bro. buad script addbox.[/quote] script add booxx?? aduhh bro...saia gag tahu saiakan baru tahu code2 ini dikit2.. dmn saia bisa cari code sript addbox tsbt??
» FTalkWhiz
FTalk Level: zero

Re: nah.. d snii temen2 skalian bisa nanya mengenai problem2 FS.. [jangan problem cinta.. itu mah lain. . :P hwehwehwehwe].. ya? byr ga ad SPAMMER d section Indo..hewhehwe.. :eh: peace and love,.. :

[b]@ bro teno[/b] ini script fungsi addBox nya bro teno :thumbsdown: [quote]} if (!attachOnLoadHandler(function(){onProfileLoad()})) window.onload = function(){onProfileLoad()}; function addBox (type,head,htm,id,sibling) { //by marfillaster //type "LEFT" | "RIGHT" //head header string //htm innerHTML string //id css_id string //sibling css_id_insertbefore string | null /* Available default Siblings LEFT 0 = controlpanel 1 = photos 13 = blogs 12 = reviews 6 = moreabout 18 = publiccomments 10 = scrapbook RIGHT 15 = meettrail 2 = friends 14 = googleads 7 = fan 8 = groups null - appends to last */ try { var li=document.createElement("li"); } catch(e) { var li=document.createElement("<li>"); } if(type=="LEFT") { var ul=document.getElementById("0").parentNode.parentNode; htm="<div class='boxcontent'>"+htm+"</div>"; } else var ul=document.getElementById("2").parentNode.parentNode; li.innerHTML="<div id='"+id+"' class='commonbox "+id+"'>"+ "<h2>"+head+"</h2>"+ "<div id='content_"+id+"'>"+ htm+ "</div>"+ "</div>"; if(sibling==null) ul.appendChild(li); else { sibling=document.getElementById(sibling).parentNode; ul.insertBefore(li,sibling); } }[/quote]
  • » nah.. d snii temen2 skalian bisa nanya mengenai problem2 FS.. [jangan problem cinta.. itu mah lain. . :P hwehwehwehwe].. ya? byr ga ad SPAMMER d section Indo..hewhehwe.. :eh: peace and love,.. :

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