» =)
[i]^it is really not good because the overall layout was edited in photoshop and i am still not good at using it[/i]
[i]^it is really not good because the overall layout was edited in photoshop and i am still not good at using it[/i]
[i]^it is really not good because the overall layout was edited in photoshop and i am still not good at using it[/i]
[i]^it is really not good because the overall layout was edited in photoshop and i am still not good at using it[/i]
Please rate my profile...
And add me too http://www.friendster.com/cjoker2
^oopsy, I already got 3000 friends.
And it is the maximum. I hope there is a way on how to increase your number of allowed maximum friends
Thank You!
Re: =)
[i]^it is really not good because the overall layout was edited in photoshop and i am still not good at using it[/i]
[b]^ nice but u shud add some tweaks there sis..[/b]
Re: =)
[i]^it is really not good because the overall layout was edited in photoshop and i am still not good at using it[/i]
ok i will add some tweaks!
thanks again for the advice
Re: =)
[i]^it is really not good because the overall layout was edited in photoshop and i am still not good at using it[/i]
Re: =)
[i]^it is really not good because the overall layout was edited in photoshop and i am still not good at using it[/i]
Re: =)
[i]^it is really not good because the overall layout was edited in photoshop and i am still not good at using it[/i]
[quote=acel_lanzs]u better make a poll... for easy rating [/quote]
i dont know how to make polls.. haha..
Re: =)
[i]^it is really not good because the overall layout was edited in photoshop and i am still not good at using it[/i]
nice naruto banner.... better [b]if[/b] your the one who made that banner hehe
but teh bottom line , overall , its a good profile
Re: =)
[i]^it is really not good because the overall layout was edited in photoshop and i am still not good at using it[/i]
[b]Yeah... thats fast... U've updated ur layout... I like it this time![/b]
Re: =)
[i]^it is really not good because the overall layout was edited in photoshop and i am still not good at using it[/i]
Re: =)
[i]^it is really not good because the overall layout was edited in photoshop and i am still not good at using it[/i]
Re: =)
[i]^it is really not good because the overall layout was edited in photoshop and i am still not good at using it[/i]
[quote=ezil2007]nice naruto banner.... better [b]if[/b] your the one who made that banner hehe
but teh bottom line , overall , its a good profile [/quote]
okayy..next time, i'll try to make my own banner
thank you for the suggestion...
Re: =)
[i]^it is really not good because the overall layout was edited in photoshop and i am still not good at using it[/i]
Re: =)
[i]^it is really not good because the overall layout was edited in photoshop and i am still not good at using it[/i]
[quote=lucy_fat]nice one keep it up[/quote]
by the way, sorry for the double posting
Re: =)
[i]^it is really not good because the overall layout was edited in photoshop and i am still not good at using it[/i]
Re: =)
[i]^it is really not good because the overall layout was edited in photoshop and i am still not good at using it[/i]
[b][color=#ff6699]oh! so cool! you're also a narutard? well, me too! i love naruto so much! [/b][/color]
Re: =)
[i]^it is really not good because the overall layout was edited in photoshop and i am still not good at using it[/i]
Re: =)
[i]^it is really not good because the overall layout was edited in photoshop and i am still not good at using it[/i]
Re: =)
[i]^it is really not good because the overall layout was edited in photoshop and i am still not good at using it[/i]
Thank you very much for all the nice comments
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!!!
Re: =)
[i]^it is really not good because the overall layout was edited in photoshop and i am still not good at using it[/i]
Re: =)
[i]^it is really not good because the overall layout was edited in photoshop and i am still not good at using it[/i]
Sorry friendster is having a maintenance. I guess I 'll just check it later.
» =)
[i]^it is really not good because the overall layout was edited in photoshop and i am still not good at using it[/i]