[b]PROMOTER :[/b] diabolicious
[b]PRIZE:[/b] ONE MONTH OF FREE ADVERTISEMENT on [url=http://profiles.friendster.com/luisgoco]MY PROFILE[/url]
- The advertisement should contain one link (Friendster Profile)
- It may contain JAVASCRIPT or FLASH FILE
- No Nudity on Advertisement
- The winner will be decided through votes
- advertisement should be in HTML or PHP format
with a width not larger than 860 to 890 px
and a height not larger than 186px...
Must be a FriendsterTalker or Higher
Mods are allowed to join
A single post in this thread with your ADVERTISEMENT (HTML or PhP script)
A preview image of your advertisement
Note: [/b]The Advertisement will be shown on my banner

[b]Application starts on Sept 25 and Ends on September 30
The voting period will be on October 1 to 10[/b]
Last edited by diabolicious (2007-09-25 11:35:31)