Re: [b]I like Byakuya Kuchiki's zanpakuto Senbonzakura...
nice but deadly..cherry blossoms..[/b]
ThE BeSt zAnPaKuTo.....Hmmmmmm...
I ThInk ItS IkKaKu's ZaNpAkUto...
It iS CoOl....
HiS ZaNpAkUtO rOCkS.....
iT Is mOrE BeTtEr iF He wIlL cAll HiS BaNkAi...
It Is sO PoWeRfUl....
He cAn bE ThE 11Th sQuAd lEaDer...
BuT He dOnT LiKe....
BeCaUsE He jUsT WaNt To sErVe KeNpAcHi...
ThE FiRsT OnE WhO BeAt Him iN BaTtLe...
My aNsWeR iS IkKaKu'S zAnPaKuTo....
Re: [b]I like Byakuya Kuchiki's zanpakuto Senbonzakura...
nice but deadly..cherry blossoms..[/b]
[color=#9900ff] :rose: Byakuya zankupaktou...Senbonzakura...
b'cause...its really utsukushii...
i like all version of byakuya zankupaktou...
Shikai ~ Chire...Senbonzakura...
Bankai ~ Senbonzakura Kageyoshi...
Sekkei...Senbonzakura Kageyoshi...
all r cool...powerful...n beautiful...[/color]
Re: [b]I like Byakuya Kuchiki's zanpakuto Senbonzakura...
nice but deadly..cherry blossoms..[/b]
the guy with the dreadlocks has a cool bankai that cuts off all four senses except for the sense of touch. Kenpachi had to take a direct hit just to beat that guy. Kenpachi has the worst zanpakuto. It doesn't even have a name and he can't do bankai with it.
For me, Zangetsu & Senbonsakura have the best bankai
Re: [b]I like Byakuya Kuchiki's zanpakuto Senbonzakura...
nice but deadly..cherry blossoms..[/b]
@ unyou: avoid double post if it is an error pls report it to the moderators here ok?
@topic: i like [b]ZANGETSU[/b] it make you feel stronger and full speed ahead hehehehe lol.. but idk if zangetsu has shikai... thats too bad..
Re: [b]I like Byakuya Kuchiki's zanpakuto Senbonzakura...
nice but deadly..cherry blossoms..[/b]
but i forget................
urahara zanpakuto is so simple...........
BENIHIME [b][/b]................ is the best........