Re: i'm using macromedia dreamweaver 8 to make an overlay,the problems is I can't make the box scrolled,anybody please help me!!
scrolled? as in the box will move? or the box will have scrollbars?
to make a box moving, insert the div in the marquee tag
<marquee ...><div ...></div></marquee>
box or div having scrollbars, specified the height and width of the div. and add this inside the style attribute overflow:auto
<div style="height: 10px; width: 10px; overflow: auto"></div>
Re: i'm using macromedia dreamweaver 8 to make an overlay,the problems is I can't make the box scrolled,anybody please help me!!
ah,i'm asking to put the scrollbar,about marque i'm already done.Thx I try it first
ok!!!it's done&it's working