Before I didn't appreciate make-ups..
It's just like waste of time & money..
But now I discovered make-up is a MUST!![/b]
Even simple make-up can change one's look..
Like for example:

[b]concealer + foundation[/b] can make those dark circles,
pimple marks & other unwanted markings on your face less noticeable..
See, no need for surgery!

A little [b]blush[/b] on those cheeks will surely brighten up your simple look!

A [b]lipgloss[/b] or [b]lipstick[/b] will enhance those kissable lips..

[b]Eyeshadows[/b] & [b]eyeliners[/b] to make those eyes tantalizing

[b]Mascaras[/b] for longer lashes..
You see, make-ups are really meant for us girls & girls @ heart..
Make-up can make us more presentable..
It's just a matter of proper usage..
For those first timers like [i]me[/i], have your hubby or bestfriend w/ you
for comments & criticisms.. real Persons are better mirror!
Another MUST have when using Make-ups are:[b]Moisturisers[/b]& [b]Make-up Removers[/b]
Anything that is too much is not Good..