[quote=chika.symphatica][quote=r3y619™]wow nice all ava..
my top 3 ndut, maureey and emochiq
ndut for creativity and originality
maureey for creativity, originality and simplicity
emochiq for creativity
its good thing the contest is not based on voting coz sometimes contestant use to [b]buy their friends to vote[/b]..[/quote]


[color=#99ccff]♥♥•[/color] [color=#ff99cc]yah exactly.. dats y i hav silent judges... to decide who is really da winner

btw dis topic closed

w8 for da desc. of silent judges :idea: [/color] [color=#99ccff]•♥♥[/color]
[b]^ Are the silent judges also Ftalk member, just asking?
