[quote=fando91][b]Lols, of course not, I used the SWF bypass... It haven't filtered since the bypass was released... Just put it in the welcome box... BTW, u can check this out ...
[url=http://5wi4qxe.multiply.com/]my multiply[/url][/b][/quote]
JS is impossible in CSS..
Anyway, I found 3 holes in multiply. I gave john_619619 my first hole.. and that's the embed bypass..[/quote]
Hahaha.....I just made myself dumb
I know it's impossible, it's CSS, who am I kidding, myself!!!
I'd probably get to that later when I feel like doing it...HAven't touched my profile there since aug.
[b]By the way nice to see you kickin' here again @ xavier[/b]
Last edited by mickyriora (2007-11-17 23:49:55)