

[color=#99ccff]♥♥•[/color] [color=#ff99cc]finally!!.... Avatar Contest is endsz...
btw before i announce who is our "Avatar Master"... lets us rewind da great avatars

all of u are talented

.. and thanxsz for sharin' us

[i]i believe dat every person is born with talent...!![/i]
remember guysz.. every1 has a talent... talent is God given.. be greatful.. keep workin' hard guysz and u can get anything dat u want... if God gave u dat talent and creativity, u should go for it

....grab every opportunity and if u do something..always do ur best and expect less
"All of us do not have equal talents and creativity, but all of us should have an equal opportunity to develop our talents and creativity”
ok!?!.. aytsszz

9th of September 2007, i started da thread of "Avatar Contest Registraitons"...
dis is da sum Contest info:

Winner: -the avatar with the highest members votes + the judges votes will be declared as winner....new poll will be made after the registration...member votes(->50% chance to win) and "silent judges" (->will decide who is da winner!!)..."""silent judges could be anyone u know..wahaha"""

Rules: 1)created avatar should have a title
2)no foul or offensive words or image
3)could be "animated" or "not animated"
4)It must not be any bigger than 100 x 100 pixels and 20480 bytes (20 KB). <--fstalk rules...
5)about u or(and) fstalk..or both
6)own made
7) only 15 members can be contestant

Prize: -top 15 entries will get (+1) reputation from me and winner will be entitled with a rank "Avatar Master"..for moderators or promoters will be entitled with a 2nd rank "Avatar Master"
[b]our 19 entries:[/b]
but silent judges must choose 15 entries..
so....... hirs da results again

[b]our 15 contestants (entries):[/b]
but kimyasay10 was disqualified.. becuz of da issues...
[i]for kimyasay.. its ok sisz.. just dont do it again.. u deserve a 2nd chance.. ur appology is accepted.. dont hate urself ok!?!.. soweee sisz..

"Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, only this time more wisely.

after dat situation... we hav only 14 contestants..
[b]our 14 contestants[/b]
[b]21st Oct of 2007, Poll[/b]
blancheee48 - 6 (5%)
cutiepinkz - 1 (0%)
em0chiq11 - 34 (31%)
k8 - 2 (1%)
Linniie - 5 (4%)
maree12 - 2 (1%)
Maruko - 9 (8%)
maueey - 2 (1%)
mckenthus - 6 (5%)
ndut_182 - 8 (7%)
pinktwinklehearts - 6 (5%)
shakiro214 - 5 (4%)
shunz_7 - 2 (1%)
silentemofreak - 2 (1%)
but silent judges will decide who is da winner.. cuz poll is 50% chance to win

[quote]Winner: -the avatar with the highest members votes + the judges votes will be declared as winner......member votes(->50% chance to win) and "silent judges" (->will decide who is da winner!!)..."""silent judges could be anyone u know..wahaha"""[/quote]
who is our silent judges!?!

... of cors dey are ftalk members

[b]"Silent Judges"








and me

by da way.. dey all decided to...... da winner is...

[b]Congratsz sisz haru!!

... u deserve it

Prize: weeee.. i send da prize package to admin... (i pm-ed him) ... just w8 for Admin

[i]thanxsz to all.. thanxsz to silent judges.. ftalk members.. mods.. mostly Admin...[/i]

*edited.. [/color] [color=#99ccff]•♥♥[/color]
Last edited by chika.symphatica (2007-10-21 15:22:34)